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PC 071311
City of Pleasanton
PC 071311
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8/10/2017 3:14:47 PM
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10/3/2011 3:41:20 PM
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Mr. Dolan replied that a dialogue was actually held about this and the fact that it is <br />impractical to reach the City's standard when the train goes by on this property or any <br />other property along the railroad. He added that this is the noise level for people who <br />live all along the line and that it is just the understanding of a practicality that anyone <br />cannot, in any reasonable way, mitigate it down to the standard during that short <br />duration when the train goes by. <br /> <br />inquired what decibel level is expected when the train goes by <br />if the whistle was removed from the equation. <br /> <br />Mr. Dolan replied that this was not distinguished. He noted that the trains only blow the <br />whistle when required to and that they have no choice at the crossing. <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> <br />Chair Narum disclosed that she met with Mr. Paul Martin. <br /> <br />Paul Martin, representing Donato Builders, applicant, and Robert Molinaro, property <br />owner, stated that he would like to bring up three items: the first and second deal with <br />Condition No. 45, payment of the developer's fair share of the Capital Improvement <br />Program costs for the reconstruction of Stanley Boulevard; and Condition No. 105, <br />payment of the in-lieu park dedication fees. He indicated that his concern is not with the <br />payment itself but with the timing of the payments. He noted that Condition No. 45 <br />requires payment prior to Final Map and Condition 105 requires payment prior to <br />approval of the Map. He explained that normally, in construction financing, these will be <br />part of the line items to be funded by the bank, and construction financing cannot be <br />obtained until a Final Map is approved. He requested that the timing of the payment be <br />changed to prior to issuance of the grading permit or before work starts to allow them to <br />put the project together in dealing with the financing. <br /> <br />Mr. Martin stated that the third item deals with Condition No. 42 regarding the <br />installation of playground equipment for the tot lot. He indicated that their issue is not <br />that they do not want to have a tot equipment for children in the subdivision but for two <br />reasons: (1) there is a rash of litigation all across the country over tot lot equipment, <br />and it is a liability which almost guarantees that they will be sued; and (2) it has been his <br />experience that use of tot lot equipment depends on the demographics of the residents <br />moving into the subdivision. He proposed that they will fund the tot lot equipment if the <br />homeowners association (HOA) wants this installed, tied to a vote of the HOA after the <br />thth <br />sale of the 10 or 11 lot so they have an idea of who's living there. He added that in <br />the meantime, prior to that decision, the developer would propose constructing the tot <br />lot as shown in landscape plans that have been submitted. <br /> <br />With respect to the tot lot, Commissioner Blank asked Mr. Martin how it could be <br />ensured that this is really the desire of the HOA without being overridden by the builder, <br />as the builder has the ability to go over the HOA. He added that he assumes the <br />developer would fund the tot lot and not defer the cost to the HOA. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, July 13, 2011 Page 6 of 21 <br /> <br />
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