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Commissioner Blank stated that this is an architectural decision and that he cannot <br />provide an opinion or make a decision on a variance until he sees what the design <br />would actually look like. <br />5. Is the proposed size of the residential unit acceptable? <br />Commissioner Pentin stated that he thinks the proposed size of the unit goes back to <br />what the mass is. He noted that the size of the residence is what the applicant needs, <br />and he does not have a problem with that. He indicated that looking in from the outside, <br />his concern is what the massing looks like and how it would impact the neighborhood. <br />Commissioner Blank agreed and stated that he was not concerned about the size of the <br />residence as long as the massing is under control. <br />6. Should the proposed setbacks be increased? <br />Commissioner Blank stated that the setbacks, just like the massing and compatibility <br />with other structures would depend on the project details and visuals. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that he thinks 1,752 square feet is very reasonable and not <br />outlandish. <br />7. Is the proposed building compatible with adjacent structures? <br />Commissioner Pentin noted that the structure is situated that far off of Spring Street and <br />is a stand - alone, and that he is fine with it if the neighbors are; however, he wanted to <br />see details of the design first. <br />The Commissioners concurred. <br />8. Does it appear too tall or massive from adjoining properties or adjacent <br />streets? <br />The Commissioners agreed that they need to see the detailed design before they can <br />answer this question. <br />Commissioner Pearce stated that she appreciated the story poles because they <br />provided a basis for this conversation. <br />Chair Narum expressed concern that it was too tall and too close to Ray St. <br />Commissioner Blank thanked the owner and the applicant for installing the story poles <br />as it took great effort on their part and was helpful to the Commission. <br />Chair Narum asked staff if sufficient direction has been provided. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, March 23, 2011 Page 12 of 21 <br />