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and to surrounding tenants and properties. Therefore, it is unlikely that the noise produced by <br /> the use will be in excess of 75 dBA at any point outside of the property plane as prescribed by <br /> code (P.M.C. §9.040.50). <br /> Based on the proposal, staff considers the learning center to be a quiet use as instruction <br /> would be provided at a low-volume voice level and that students would be focusing on <br /> academic exercises. Therefore, staff does not believe that the proposed use would be <br /> disruptive to existing or future neighboring businesses/tenants. <br /> Tenant Improvements <br /> No tenant improvements are proposed with this application. Any future tenant improvements <br /> would be subject to the review and approval of the Building and Safety Division and the <br /> Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department. <br /> Signage <br /> No signage currently exists for the tenant suite. If the applicant wishes to add signage, the <br /> proposed signage would be required to adhere to Valley Business Park's sign program. <br /> FINDINGS <br /> The Planning Commission must make the following findings prior to granting the use permit: <br /> A. That the proposed location of the conditional use is in accordance with the <br /> objectives of the zoning ordinances and the purpose of the district in which the <br /> site is located. <br /> The zoning ordinance endeavors to foster a harmonious, convenient, workable <br /> relationship among land uses, protect land uses from inharmonious influences and <br /> harmful intrusions, promote a safe, effective traffic circulation system, and to ensure that <br /> public and private lands ultimately are used for the purposes which are most <br /> appropriate and beneficial to the City as a whole. <br /> The subject business is proposed in Valley Business Park which is zoned Planned Unit <br /> Development— Industrial (PUD-I) and has the characteristics of the City's I-P (Industrial <br /> Park) District. One purpose of the industrial park district is to provide locations for uses <br /> that can operate in close proximity to commercial and residential uses within minimum <br /> adverse impact. Staff believes the proposed use, as conditioned, will be compatible <br /> with the adjacent residential and industrial park uses. Other child-oriented uses <br /> currently operate within the subject building and staff has not received complaints <br /> regarding those uses. The applicant will also be required to mitigate any future <br /> nuisances which may occur as a result of the proposed use. In summary, staff believes <br /> this finding can be made. <br /> PCUP-296, Summer Time Learning Center Planning Commission <br /> 8of10 <br />