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CITY COUNCIL OF THE ATTEST: ~ ellactively screened from view faucets; and d) insulation of hot <br /> CITY OF PLEASANTON James R. Walker, with materials architecturally water lines. <br /> ALAMEDA COUNTY, City Clerk compatible with the main struc- 27. Deleted by City Council. <br /> CALIFORNIA By Doris George, lure. 28. That the developer's con- <br /> <br /> ° 12. T ha, a,, me. ha.ica, tractor o.a,n an encroa.hmen, <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1056 RM equipment be constructed in <br />APPROVING THE APPLICATION FO : permit from the City prior to the <br />OF KEN EARP, ET AL. FOR PUD Peter D. MacDonald, such a manner that noise ema- beginning of construction. <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN AP- CityAttorney nating from it will not be percep- 29. That the developer pay <br />PROVAL FOR A MANUFAC- tible at or beyond the properly any and all fees that the proper- <br />TURED HOUSING PROJECT ON EXHIBI[ "A" plane of the subject pr rty in ty may be subject to consistent <br />29 ACRES ON THE NORTH CASE PUD-82-21 a normal environment°~ that with the terms of the affordable <br />SIDE OF VINEYARD AVENUE 1. That the development be zoning district. housing competition resolution. <br />OPPOSITE SAUTERNE WAY. substantially as shown on the 13. That all lighting be con- .30. That the developer dedi- <br />WHEREAS. Ken Earp, Theo- development plan, Exhibit A, on structed in such a manner that cate to the City for street right- <br />dote Bates and Richard Uftsch lile with the Ranning Division glare is directed away from sur- of-way purposes a parcel of land <br />applied for the development but that units 173 through 178 rounding properties and rights- up to 27 feet in width along the <br />plan approval for construction shall be removed and this area of-way. Vineyard Avenue frontage of the <br />of a 244 unit manutactured added to the community center, 14. That in all commonly development. The proposed <br />housing project on an approxi- thereby reducing the total num- owned areas all trash ~lnd re- transition from the existing 104 <br />mately 29 acre site located on bet of lots to 238 and that the fuse be contained completel ft. R/W to a reduced R/W width <br />the north side of Vineyard Avon- recreation and basketball areas within enclosures architecturar- shall be designed, approved by <br />ue opposite Sauterne Way; and remain as shown on the plan. ly compatible with the main the City Engineer and shown on <br />WHEREAS. based on the Ini* 2. That prior to the filing of a structure. the tentative map submittal. <br />tial Environmental Study. a final map on the subjact proper- 15. That all trees used in 31. That the developer con- <br />Negative Declaration was ty, CC&Rs shall be approved by landscaping be a minimum of struct streets within the project <br />adopted by Council on October the City Attorney; these CC&Rs 15 gallons in size and all shrubs to City standards and deed <br />26, 1982; and shall provide for a property own- a minimum of 5 gallons. them to the City. <br />WHEREAS, Council recewed ers association with sufficient 16. That if signing for the 32. That the storm drainage <br />the Planning Commission's rec- power to manage all commonly development is desired, a corn- system for this development be <br />ommendation for approval of owned areas and they shall also prehensive signin program be public system within the street <br />the development plan; and provide for a project manager to submitted to the ~i a <br /> tyorconsid- P.S.E. unless otherwise ap- <br />WHEREAS, a duly noticed be on the premises a minimum eration under separate applica- proved by the City Engineer. <br />public hearing was held on Oc- of four (4) hours per day, Mort- lion. 33. That the water system for <br />tober 26. 1982; and day though Friday. The City 17. That 6" vertical concrete this development be a public <br />WHEREAS, the City Council shall be named as beneficiary of curbs be installed between all system within the street P.S.E. <br />finds that this development said CC&Rs and shall be grant- paved and landscaped areas. unless otherwise approved by <br />plan is consistent with the Gen- ed the power to enforce its pro- 18. That all utilities required the City Engineer. <br />eral Ran policies of the City ol visions if the property owners to serve the development be in- :34. That the sanitary sewer <br />Pleasanton; association lails to do so. stalled underground. system within this development <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 3. That the development 19. That the homeowners be a public system within the <br />'CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES shall meet all requirements of association enter into an agree- street unless otherwise ap- <br />HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: the City Fire Code including ment with the City approved by proved by the City Engineer. <br /> rovison of a City key or Zone 7 <br />Sealton 1: Aprpoves the de- ~/to allow for access to the the City Attorney which guaran- 35. That all buildings and/or <br />velopment plan for consruction tees that all landscaping includ- structures must comply with all <br />of a 238 unit manufactured area between the subject prop- ed in this project will be main- codes and ordinances in eftact <br />housing project on an approxi- erty and the Arroyo Del Valle tained in a healthful, attractive at the time required permits are <br />mately 29 acre site located on and provision of a minimum 12 and weedfree manner. Said issued by the Building Division. <br />the north side of Vineyard Aven- ~. wide gate at the north end of agreement shall run with the 36. That at least 40% of the <br />ue opposite Sauterne Way, sub- Street A. The applicant should land for the duration of the ex- units (96) shall be occupied <br />jact to the conditions of Exhibit consult with the City Fire Mar- istence of the structures located solely by persons 50 years or <br />"A" attached hereto and by this shall for furlher information. on the subject property en- older. This shall be accom- <br />reference incorporated herein. 4. That the developer shall forced through ordinance and plished as follows: <br />Section 2: The City staff is submit an overall plan for all not just the CC&Rs. <br />directed to cause Notice of lie- patio covers and accessory 20. That the developer install <br />termination to be filed pursuant buildings on each lot to the street trees as required per ordi- a. In conjunction with final <br />of Section 5.4(g) of Resolution Planning Division tor approval nance, minin'lum 15 gallon map approval, developer shall <br />No. 77-66. prior to issuance of building trees. designate 72 specific units <br />Section 3: Waives the provi- permit. 21. That any damage to which shall be reserved soley for <br />sions of Section 2-12.13, Article 5. Thai wherever driveways street improvemeots now exist- occupancy by persons 50 years <br />29, Chapter 2, Title ll of the Or- are lessthan23ft. in length, au- ingor done during construction old or older. This occupancy <br />dinance Code of the City of tonlatic garage door openers on the subject property be re- condition shall run with the lots <br />Reasanton for this project only shall be provided for all eftacted paired at full expense to the de- so designated and shall be en- <br />pursuant to Section 2(d) of Res- garages. veloper. forceable by the City purusant <br />blution No. 81-287. 6. That fencing for all units 22. That the developer install to this ordinance. In addition, <br />Section 4: This ordinance as approved by staff, shall be street frontage improvements the Convenants, Conditions <br />shall be published once within provided by the developer. per ordinance and to the satis- and Restriction shall establish <br />fifteen (15) days after its adop- 7. That the plans for the ma- faction of the City Engineer. this restriction and provide that <br />tion in "The Valley Times," a sonry wall along Vineyard Aven- These improvements may in- the Homeowners Association <br />new per of eneral circulation ue shall be submitled to the clude, but are not necessarily shall enforce the restriction and <br />pu~Paishled in tl~ Planning and Engineeing Divi- <br /> e City of Pleasan* limited to. grading, curb and that the City may enforce this <br />ton. sion for approval prior to instal- gutter, sidewalk paving, storm restriction as a third party bene- <br />Section 5: This ordinance lation. drain, sanitary sewer. water ta- ficiary to the CC,&Rs. <br />shall be effective thirty (30) 8. That front yard landscap- cilities, street lighting. under- <br />days after the date of its final ing, including sprinkler sys- ground utilities. and traffic con- <br />passage and adoption. terns, shall be provided for all trol devices. b. The remaining 10 per- <br />INTRODUCED at a regular units by the developer. 24. That the site be kept free cent of units (24 units) reserved <br />meeting of the City Council of 9. That a final landscape plan of fire hazards frC~T~ the start of for persen 50 years old and old- <br />the City of Pleasanton on Octo- shall be submitted to the Plan- construction to final inspection er may be sold at various Ioca- <br />her 26, 1982. ning Division for approval prior and that the Fire Department tions throughout the project. In <br />ADOPTED at a regular meet- to issuance of a building permit, emergency number be provided the case of these units, ongoing <br />ing of the City Council of the typical unit plan to include four adjacent to all telephones on restrictions shall not be re- <br />City of Reasanton on Novem- 5-gallon shrubs, two IS-gallon the site. quired because normal home- <br />ber 23, 1982 by the followin8 trees, lawn and walkway to side 25. That all dwelling units in ownership patterns indicate <br />vote: yard, paid for by the developer. tl-~e development be construct- that at least 24 units out of the <br />AYES: Councilmembers - 10. That the street number of ed to meet the latest P.G. & E. remaining 166 units will be oc- <br />Brandes, Mohr and Wood the development be posted so Energy Conservation Home cupled solely by persons 50 <br />NOES: Councilmembers - Mer- as to be easily seen from the Standards. years old or older. <br />cer and Mayor Butler street at all times, day or night. <br />ABSENT: None 11. That all ducts, meters, air 26. That the following water <br />ABSTAIN: None conditioning equipment, and conserving plumbi fixtures be <br /> any other mechanical equip- installed: a) Iowr~llush water Legal PT-VT 5684 <br /> Robert E. Butler, ment, whether on the structure, closets; b) shower flow control <br /> Mayor on the ground, or elsewhere, be heads; c) aerators in interior Publish December 22, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br />