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PC 060910
City of Pleasanton
PC 060910
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any reception would involve a dinner and some light music; however, these would not <br />be frequent, probably two to three a year. He stated that no alcohol is served, there is <br />no loud music, and parking will be strictly controlled. He added that parking for the <br />evening activities will utilize the lot between the north and the east, which is located <br />away from residences. <br />Commissioner Blank indicated that Condition No. 5 states that child care, daycare, <br />pre-school, after-school tutoring and some child-related uses are not part of the <br />approval. He noted that there is a fair amount of space set aside for classrooms and <br />inquired what was planned for the classroom space. <br />Mr. Siddiqui replied that MCC plans to use the space for Sunday school between <br />10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday. He indicated that MCC has been <br />renting space at Hart Middle School to conduct classes. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired if parents of children enrolled in the Sunday school would <br />be on the premises during this time. <br />Mr. Sidiqqui replied that not every parent would be there. He stated that there would be <br />some parents dropping off their children as was previously done at Hart Middle School. <br />He added that the children will always be inside the facility and that teachers and <br />volunteer parents would be present to supervise the children. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that it seems to him that, if people are dropping children off <br />and the parent of the child is not there, one could argue that this is a child care facility. <br />He added that he was not certain this would be considered child care because it is a <br />Sunday school; however, he was trying to clarify whether or not child care, day care, <br />pre-school, after-school, tutoring, and similar activities were not part of this application. <br />Ms. Stern explained that although children are being dropped-off, many of the parents <br />will be present. She added that as this is a weekend activity, staff has determined that it <br />would not be functioning as child care. <br />Chair Olson stated that he had alerted staff that one thing he wanted done tonight was <br />to have in the public record what process residents living across the Tassajara Creek <br />would go through if they encountered noise problems. <br />Ms. Stern replied that if a neighbor were disturbed by an event in the evening hours and <br />it merited a non-emergency call to police, police would respond based on their other <br />priorities. She stated that the first step the officer would take would be to talk to <br />whoever is present on site to inform them that neighbors are being disturbed. She <br />added that if the neighbor specifically requests or if it was a repeat situation, police <br />would go back to the station, get the noise monitor device, take a reading at the <br />property line, and administer a citation if the noise exceeded regulations in the noise <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 9, 2010 Page 7 of 9 <br /> <br />
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