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described the MCC prayer practices and indicated that no problems were encountered, <br />except for one time where kids were making some noise; the adults ensured that it <br />never happened again. He noted that he also got used to attending the MCC prayer <br />sessions every other week and that he feels it is good for him. <br />Pervez Qureshi, submitted a speaker card but indicated that he had no comments. <br />Commissioner Blank disclosed that he knows Mr. Paxson personally but has not seen <br />him in a while. The other Commissioners disclosed that they also know Mr. Paxson. <br />James Paxson, Executive Director, Hacienda Business Park, indicated that Hacienda <br />has also reviewed and approved the application and that he was available to answer <br />questions. He pointed out that he had spent some time with the applicant and was <br />extremely impressed with the level of detail and attention that the group has paid in <br />ensuring they are a good fit. He noted that Hacienda makes sure there is compatibility <br />between all the different uses in the area and were very impressed with all things taken <br />into consideration for the application. He stated that Hacienda welcomes MCC not only <br />as investors in the Park, but also looks forward to having MCC as tenants. <br />Ingrid Plemmons expressed concern about the noise from cars. She noted that there <br />are currently no sound barriers, and the facility is not far from homes. She indicated <br />that she was under the impression that the City had a noise ordinance that does not <br />allow any noise after 10:00 p.m. and noted that weddings last until midnight. She <br />inquired how close homes were to the current location. She further inquired whom she <br />would call if there is no staff at the facility and problems arise. She also expressed <br />concern about noise from the younger people. She noted that the Business Park hours <br />are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and expressed concern about after hours activities in <br />the community center. <br />Referring to the noise issue, Mr. Siddiqui stated that the previous tenant was probably <br />generating a lot more noise than the MCC members would. He indicated that MCC will <br />be utilizing the same speakers they have in the former building and may add a couple of <br />additional small speakers, but the prayer service is basically conducted by one person <br />with no singing or any type of loud group prayer. He added that prayers are held during <br />business hours and that MCC has never had any complaints regarding noise. He <br />welcomed neighboring residents to come and visit the Center and observe prayer in <br />order to get a better idea of the amount of noise generated. <br />With respect to other activities, Mr. Siddiqui stated that there will always be a person in <br />charge, and as has been done in the past, neighbors will be given contact numbers for <br />at least three persons that neighbors can call for any purpose; however, he does not <br />envision having any issues or problems. <br />Mr. Siddiqui indicated that the majority of activities are on the weekends and will end <br />before 10:00 p.m. He added that wedding ceremonies normally occur in conjunction <br />with prayer at sunset, which would be between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. He noted that <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, June 9, 2010 Page 6 of 9 <br /> <br />