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Mr. Dolan indicated that the remodel of the Permit Center is underway and that it is <br />scheduled for completion on June 1, 2010. He indicated that it would provide a <br />friendlier experience, particularly for infrequent customers. He then explained the <br />procedure customers would undergo as they come in and file their applications. <br />With respect to cross-training, Mr. Dolan stated that staff has started cross-training in <br />advance of the remodel with the transfer of the Utility Billing Division to the Operations <br />Service Center in January. He noted that that the greeter would be required to know all <br />the functions of the different Divisions and would direct customers to a seat where the <br />appropriate staff would come and assist them. He indicated that the Building Permit <br />Technicians are likewise being trained in Planner-on-Duty responsibilities so that they <br />can answer basic zoning questions. <br />Mr. Dolan then described the CSRT recommendations involving the Planning Division, <br />including revising the Conditions of Approval, reducing Conditional Use Permits, and <br />Streamlining the Peer Review Process. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the conditions of approval have been re-organized in a way that <br />would be more conducive and easier to understand in terms of the responsibilities of the <br />applicant. He then briefly described the organization of the conditions into project- <br />specific conditions, standard conditions, and information on sections of the Pleasanton <br />Municipal Code that the applicant should look at. <br />With respect to the reduction of Conditional Use Permits, Mr. Dolan indicated that some <br />changes were made before he assumed office, such as for childcare. He stated that <br />staff did not disagreed that commercial and industrial districts have not been <br />comprehensively reviewed in a long time and referred to more modern land uses that <br />have evolved over time. He noted that this was originally handled by Jerry Iserson, then <br />taken over by Donna Decker, and now reassigned to another staff. He added that the <br />intent is to reduce responsibilities from the Planning Commission to staff, to clean up <br />some uses that have outdated language to provide a more current perspective. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the CSRT expressed its dissatisfaction with the peer review <br />process, which involves architectural, geotechnical, and visual simulation reviews. He <br />indicated that a bigger list of reviewers is needed to provide variety and in order that <br />projects can get on with the process more quickly. He noted that staff has already draft <br />Request for Proposals to increase the number of consultants. <br />Mr. Dolan stated that the CSRT felt that peer reviewers sometimes overstepped their <br />bounds and recommended to limit the scope of the process to providing input, with no <br />new suggestions on design, in particular, and that the process have a beginning and an <br />end. <br />Mr. Dolan then proceeded to describe those recommendations relating to the Building <br />and Safety Division, including implementing comprehensive plan review, increasing <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 12, 2010 Page 8 of 11 <br /> <br />