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Christine Ellis, President of Laguna Oaks Homeowners Association, stated that she <br />thought the aim of Pleasanton was to protect the ridges from building and thinks it is sad <br />that such a large development, which seems to have many flaws, is being considered. <br />She asked that the Planning Commission look at all issues of the project, including <br />access, density of the homes, and the significant visual impact it will have on changing <br />the ridge. <br />Stan Gamble, applicant, clarified that the development is nowhere near the ridge. He <br />stated that the property goes up and gets steeper; however, the lots to be developed <br />are well below the ridge and will be shielded.He indicated that they are agreeable to <br />dedicating the remainder of the land to the EBRPD and to clustering the homes. He <br />added that there is a need to determine whether a homeowners association or EBRPD <br />would own the 200-foot strip between the homes. <br />Mr. Gamble stated that the plan is very conceptual, and homes are proposed to the <br />north on Parcel 1 to minimize the disturbance of the canyon; Parcel 3 to the south does <br />not have many significant trees; and setting back the homes 150 feet from Foothill Road <br />is not a problem, but they will need a reasonable count if they put infrastructure in for <br />widening Foothill Road as well as for the location of the water tank and an anti-siphon <br />valve being located under the freeway. With respect to coming in off of Foothill Road <br />instead of Santos Ranch Road, Mr. Gamble stated that this would mean having three <br />accesses onto Foothill Road in 500 yards. He added that he did not believe the <br />property has greater than 25-percent slope; the road slope on the north is 15 percent <br />and that on Parcel 3 is 10 percent. <br />Mr. Gamble stated that they are asking for two houses for every three acres, that the <br />homes had been planned for the area for 25 years, and that there are planned <br />developments both to the north and south which have received approval by the <br />Planning Commission. He offered to restrict the homes to one-story and noted also <br />similar to recent houses built in Gilroy and Morgan Hill, vineyards could be integrated, <br />which would make the project even more aesthetically pleasing. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Chair Olson proceeded to discuss the questions in Exhibit B. <br />Density <br />1. Does the Commission support a General Plan Land Use Amendment to increase the <br />density of the subject parcels? If so, how many units and/or what General Plan <br />Land Use Designation would the Commission support? <br />Commissioner O’Connor stated that he has never been a proponent of changing any <br />land designation to increase density, especially in a sensitive hilly area with slope <br />issues. He noted that exceptions have been made because of court cases; however, <br />that type of housing would not be met by this type of development in the hills. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, December 8, 2010 Page 7 of 23 <br /> <br />