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Mr. Dolan replied that he believes the Historic Ordinance is already included in the <br />Council’s priorities. He indicated that a draft Ordinance has been done but has not <br />been discussed by the Council. <br />Commissioner Blank requested that the ordinance be brought back to the Commission <br />at a January meeting to review the language and its interpretation, discuss some of the <br />problems with policies that are contradictory, as well as processes that have not been <br />followed in the past. <br />8. MATTERS FOR COMMISSION'S REVIEW/ACTION <br />a. Future Planning Calendar <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />b. Actions of the City Council <br />Mr. Dolan presented a summary of the action taken by the City Council regarding the <br />DiDonato application (PUD 82). He indicated that after considering the Planning <br />Commission’s recommendation for approval (4-1 vote) and hearing public testimony, <br />the Council listed a series of issues similar to those discussed by the Planning <br />Commission and directed the applicant to return to the Commission to do further work <br />on those issues. <br />Chair Olson inquired if the Commission would be provided a staff report explaining <br />issues expressed at the Council meeting. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that the issues include: (1) whether the home should be preserved; <br />(2) whether or not the variable deodar cedars on the site should be saved; <br />(3) sufficiency of guest parking; (4) whether or not there needed to be more usable open <br />space; (5) concerns about impact to the solar panels on the adjoining property; and <br />(6) concerns about railroad noise and overall density. <br />Commissioner Blank requested that all meeting notes on the project be included in the <br />staff report when the item returns to the Commission. <br />c. Actions of the Zoning Administrator <br />No discussion was held or action taken. <br />d. Appointment of Two Commissioners to the Heritage Tree Board of <br />Appeals for 2011-2012 <br />Commissioner Narum indicated that she would like to continue serving on the Board but <br />has yet to attend a meeting. Commissioner Blank stated that he would also like to <br />continue to serve on the Board as well. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, December 8, 2010 Page 20 of 23 <br /> <br />