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Commissioner O’Connor stated that another alternative would be to look at a different <br />roofing material like Alternative 3, asphalt shingles, which could be put on an over <br />slope. <br />Commissioner Pentin suggested a motion for alternative Alternative 1. <br />Commissioner O’Connor suggested considering a partial standing seam metal roof and <br />doing panel A only because it is mostly covered with PV panels, whereas panel B has <br />such a small piece covered by a water solar panel with so much of the roof exposed. <br />Commissioner Blank supported Commissioner O’Connor’s suggestion. <br />Commissioner Pentin noted there would still be a warranty problem and, knowing that <br />panel B cannot be seen, maintained his support for panels A and B and suggested <br />having the applicant address panel C for whatever modification to meet his warranty or <br />Code, or both. He added that while he does not want to change what was agreed to, he <br />understands what Mr. Harvey is trying to accomplish. <br />Commissioner Pentin moved to approve Case PDR-932, Alternative 1 of the staff <br />report, with a modification that the standing seam metal roof be limited to <br />panels A and B and that the applicant be required to work on panel C to comply <br />with the Code. <br />Commissioner Narum seconded the motion. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he would not support the motion because he feels it <br />undermines the Zoning Administrator process and sets a precedent that if negotiations <br />do not work out with the Planning Division, applicants can come to the Planning <br />Commission and undo what was agreed upon. He added that he also thinks there <br />should be some agreement with both parties as a significant portion of the <br />neighborhood and PHA’s desires as to what it perceives to be important are not being <br />taken into account. <br />Commissioner Pentin disagreed and stated that the Zoning Administrator’s report <br />included negotiations for a full metal seam roof; this modification was not part of that <br />conversation or compromise. He noted that the compromise was to go to a full roof of <br />metal shingles, and, therefore, he did not think a precedent was being set. He stated <br />that he thinks there is a true reason for change, it is valid, and the full roof itself with that <br />slope would actually be out of Code. <br />Commissioner Blank noted that the warranty is not the issue, but rather an agreement <br />made fostered by the Planning Division. He added that undoing the agreement is <br />transmitting a message similar to de novo appeals to the Council. <br />Chair Olson concurred and stated that this is a fact. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, December 8, 2010 Page 18 of 23 <br /> <br />