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c. The roof structure shall be designed to handle an additional load of five - pounds per <br /> square foot beyond that anticipated for the roofing materials; and, <br /> d. A bi- directional electrical meter shall be installed upon approval of the public utility. <br /> These measures shall be shown on the building permit plan set submitted to the <br /> Planning Director for review and approval before issuance of the building permit(s. <br /> 29. For the Phase 1 Major Tenant #1 building, the Director of Community Development and <br /> the applicant shall explore the availability of financial incentives such as grants, rebates, <br /> and /or other incentives, that make the installation of photovoltaic panels on this building <br /> economically feasible. If determined to be feasible, the photovoltaic panels shall be <br /> installed within one calendar year of the building's temporary or final occupancy to <br /> account for weather conditions. <br /> 30. The project applicant or developer for Phase 1 and /or for Phase 11 shall provide to the <br /> Planning Division with the first building permit for Phase 1 or for Phase 11 an estimate of <br /> the energy savings from the installation of solar roofs or other alternative energy <br /> measures with a goal of meeting 12.5 percent of the buildings' annual energy useage. <br /> (Pleasanton General Plan, Program 6.3, Best Management Practice #3). <br /> 31. All exterior building, site, and landscaping lighting shall be designed, installed, and <br /> controlled so as not to shine onto the 1 -680 freeway right -of -way, Bernal Avenue, and <br /> Valley Avenue. (This condition shall not apply to the buildings' interior lighting for both <br /> development phases.) The bulbs for the gooseneck fixtures on the Phase 1 buildings <br /> shall be recessed into the fixture and diffused. The project applicant or developer shall <br /> submit a final lighting plan with drawings and /or manufacture's specification sheets <br /> showing the size and types of light fixtures proposed for the buildings' exteriors and for <br /> the site and parking areas. The light fixtures and their locations shall be subject to the <br /> review and approval of the Planning Division. <br /> Landscape Design <br /> 32. The project applicant or developer for Phase I and for Phase 11 shall comply with the <br /> State of California's Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. A licensed landscape <br /> architect shall work with the City's Landscape Architect to verify the compliance of <br /> Phase 1 and Phase 11 with the ordinance prior to the issuance of a building permit, and <br /> then prior to the final inspection conducted by the Planning Division. The verifications <br /> shall be provided to the Planning Division. <br /> 33. Before the buildings and project final for Phase 1 and Phase 11, all landscaping shall be <br /> installed, reviewed, and approved by the Planning Division. <br /> 34. The project applicant or developer shall arrange the plantings along the 1/680 freeway <br /> and Bernal Avenue project frontages in clusters and groupings that achieve a varied <br /> appearance in terms of heights and density, which hide drive - through lanes and service <br /> areas, and which soften and frame the views of the site and of the buildings from the <br /> freeway and exit ramp, with an emphasis on breaking up the mass of the Safeway <br /> building. This change shall be shown on a project -wide landscape plan for this area, <br /> submitted with the first building permit application for review and approval by the <br /> Planning Division before issuance of a building permit. <br /> 7 <br />