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Pleasanton Gateway— Environmental Checklist <br /> The project will not include any activities or uses causing substantial adverse effects on <br /> human beings either directly or indirectly or on the environment. The project has been <br /> designed to meet the development standards established for this property by the Bernal <br /> Property Specific Plan and PUD development plan, the general development standards <br /> required by the City of Pleasanton, and will incorporate conditions of approval to meet local <br /> codes and regulations. The project design and conditions of approval reduce potential <br /> impacts to a less- than - significant - impact or no- impact. <br /> Endnotes <br /> 1 The 2010 — 2025 City of Pleasanton General Plan, adopted July 21, 2010. <br /> 2 The Final Bernal Property Specific Plan adopted by the Pleasanton City Council on <br /> August 21, 2000 (Resolution No. 00 -111). <br /> 3 The Final Environmental Impact Report for the San Francisco Water District Property <br /> (California State Clearinghouse No. 96- 013005), dated March 1999, prepared by <br /> Mundie & Associates and the City of Pleasanton. <br /> ' Transportation Impact Study, Pleasanton Gateway Retail /Office Plaza, dated June <br /> 2009, prepared for the City of Pleasanton by Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants, <br /> and the Pleasanton Gateway Updated Transportation Assessment, prepared by Fehr <br /> and Peers Transportation Consultants, dated November 10, 2009. <br /> 5 California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, Alameda <br /> County, Pleasanton, Important farmland, 2003. <br /> 6 California Division of Mines and Geology, Alquist - Priolo Hazard Mapping, <br /> <br /> GHG Emissions Analysis for the Pleasanton Gateway Project, dated June 30, 2010, <br /> prepared by Lamphier - Gregory (Scott Gregory and Rebecca Gorton). <br /> 8 Pleasanton Gateway Retail Office Plaza, dated Received June 2010, prepared by <br /> Kenneth Rodriguez and Partners, Inc. <br /> Page 52 of 52 Pleasanton Gateway Initial Study August 2, 2010 <br />