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<br />include P.G.&E.'s approval. He also requested that Condition #40 be revised to state that the <br />,r- . cash bond or security shall be forfeited if the trees are destroyed or substantially damaged "by <br />the developer." <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Roberts, Mr. Hirst advised that if contour grading <br />is not done on the south side, a retaining wall would be constructed next to the parking lot and <br />there would be a more level area along Diamond Court, and the trees would grow faster. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arkin commented on the costs to install photo voltaic panels and the potential <br />energy savings. Mr. Hirst advised that they would be willing to look at this option. <br /> <br />The Commission recessed for a break at 8:45 p.m. <br /> <br />Vice Chairperson Maas reconvened the meeting at 8:50 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arkin stated that with regard to the comments regarding massing, having this site <br />developed with six or seven homes would look worst than the massing of the office building. He <br />advised that he feels it is a gorgeous building. He advised that he spoke with the applicant and <br />they agreed to work with staff to determine how may photovoltaic panels they can install on the <br />roof and he wants to see this included in the conditions. He stated that he feels lowering the <br />grade will detract from the beauty of the building. <br /> <br />,r-. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kameny stated that he is sympathetic to the residents and he appreciates the time <br />the developers have taken to meet with the neighbors. He noted that the project conforms with <br />the General Plan and the North Sycamore Specific Plan. He advised that he is concerned that <br />lowering the building will make the rooftop more visible. He stated that he supports the <br />developer working with staff regarding Green Building standards and energy issues. He advised <br />that he would recommend leaving the trash enclosure as shown on the plan. He noted that a <br />condition of approval has been included which prohibits dental and medical uses in the building, <br />and, consequently there will be no biological hazardous waste. He advised that he feels the City <br />and the developer should share the cost of the fence and staff should work as an arbitrator <br />regarding the issue of the fence. <br /> <br />Commissioner Roberts stated that it has been known for years that this lot has been zoned <br />commercial/office. She noted that this does change the neighborhood, but she agrees that this is <br />a gorgeous building. She commented that single-story buildings are usually push-up concrete <br />structures. She further noted that in order to attain the square-footage in a single-story building <br />they would have to utilize the entire site and this would not allow appropriate on-site parking. <br />Commissioner Roberts stated that she agrees lowering the building two feet will not make any <br />significant difference for views. She also stated that she feels the building is far enough away so <br />that views into windows should not be a consideration. She commented that she feels it is an <br />attractive building for the entrance to the City. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Commissioner Roberts stated that she would support the Gudaitis' request for 30 inches of <br />wrought iron fencing at the end of their property. She also indicated that she would prefer <br />retaining walls over contour grading for the parking lot, thereby allowing the increase of the <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> <br />January 24, 2001 <br /> <br />Page 8 <br />