Laserfiche WebLink
By <br />Its: <br />(g) Rules and Regulations. Licensee shall from time to tirne develop and post on its website <br />and on the premises, rules and regulations governing guest /customer conduct at and <br />around the Rink. As part of these rules and regulations, guests may bring their own <br />skates to use at the Rink. <br />(h) Notice. All notices, demands, requests or other communications that may be or are <br />required to be given, served or sent by any Party to another Party pursuant to this <br />Agreement will be in writing and will he mailed by first - class, registered or certified <br />mail. return receipt requested, postage prepaid. sent by a reputable, national or <br />international. over -night courier service (with a requirement for receipt of delivery) or <br />transmitted by hand delivery, telegram or facsimile transmission addressed as follows: <br />To Licensee: <br />To Licensor: <br />San Jose Arena Management, LLC <br />525 West Santa Clara Street <br />San Jose. CA. 95113 <br />Attention: Don Gralnek <br />Facsimile No. 408 -977 -4769 <br />City of Pleasanton <br />123 Main Street <br />Pleasanton, CA 94566 -0802 <br />Attention: Nelson Fialho <br />Facsimile No. 925- 931 -5482 <br />Any Party arty designate by written notice a new address to which any notice, demand. request nr <br />communication ntay hereafter be given. served or sent. Pesch notice demand. request or communication that <br />is mailed. delivered or transmitted in the manner described above will he deemed sufficiently given. sen ed. <br />sent and received for all purposes at such time as it is delivered to the addressee with the return receipt, the <br />delivery receipt. the affidavit of messenger or I with respect to a Ibesimi le transmission) the mists er hack <br />being deemed conclusive evidence or such delivery or at such time as delivery is refused by the addressee <br />upon presentation. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Parties have executed this License Agreement as of the date <br />first written above. <br />LICENSOR: CITY OF I'LEASANTON, a municipal corporation <br />By: <br />Its: <br />LICENSEE: SAN JOSE ARENA MANAGENT, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company <br />7 <br />