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(e) For purposes of paragraph (1) of subdivision (d), "transportation planning" means <br />only the purposes described in subdivisions (c) through (f), inclusive, of Section 99315 of the <br />Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30 2009 <br />(f) For purposes of this article, "mass transportation," "public transit," and "mass <br />transit" have the same meaning as "public transportation." "Public transportation" means: <br />(1)(A) Surface transportation service provided to the general public, complementary <br />paratransit service provided to persons with disabilities as required by 42 U.S.C. 12143, or <br />similar transportation provided to people with disabilities or the elderly; (B) operated by bus, <br />rail, ferry, or other conveyance on a fixed route, demand response, or otherwise regularly <br />available basis; (C) generally for which a fare is charged; and (D) provided by any transit district, <br />included transit district, municipal operator, included municipal operator, eligible municipal <br />operator, or transit development board, as those terms were defined in Article 1 of Chapter 4 <br />of Part 11 of Division 10 of the Public Utilities Code on January 1, 2009, a joint powers authority <br />formed to provide mass transportation services, an agency described in subdivision (f) of <br />Section 15975 of the Government Code, as that section read on January 1, 2009, any recipient <br />of funds under Sections 99260, 99260.7, 99275, or subdivision (c) of Section 99400 of the Public <br />Utilities Code, as those sections read on January 1, 2009, or a consolidated agency as defined in <br />Section 132353.1 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on January 1, 2009. <br />(2) Surface transportation service provided by the Department of Transportation <br />pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 99315 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on <br />July 30, 2009. <br />(3) Public transit capital improvement projects, including those identified in subdivision <br />(b) of Section 99315 of the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009. <br />SEC. 2. (a) As used in this section, a 'local transportation fund" is a fund created under <br />Section 29530 of the Government Code, or any successor to that statute. <br />(b) All local transportation funds are hereby designated trust funds. The Legislature <br />may not change the status of local transportation funds as trust funds. <br />(c) A local transportation fund that has been created pursuant to law may not be <br />abolished. <br />(d) Money in a local transportation fund shall be allocated only by the local <br />government that created the fund, and only for the purposes authorized under Article 11 <br />(commencing with Section 29530) of Chapter 2 of Division 3 of Title 3 of the Government Code <br />and Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 99200) of Part 11 of Division 10 of the Public Utilities <br />Code, as those provisions existed on October 1, 1997. Neither the county nor the Legislature <br />11 <br />