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not be loaned or otherwise transferred to the General Fund or any other fund or account in the <br />State Treasury. <br />imposed: <br />(c) All revenues specified in paragraphs (1) through (3), inclusive, of subdivision (a) of <br />Section 7102 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as that section read on June 1 2001, shall be <br />deposited no less than quarterly into the Public Transportation Account (Section 99310 of the <br />Public Utilities Code), or its successor. The Legislature may not take any action which <br />temporarily or permanently diverts or appropriates these revenues for purposes other than <br />those described in subdivision (d), or delays, defers, suspends, or otherwise interrupts the <br />quarterly deposit of these funds into the Public Transportation Account. <br />(d) Funds in the Public Transportation Account may only be used for transportation <br />planning and mass transportation purposes. The revenues described in subdivision (c) are <br />hereby continuously appropriated to the Controller without regard to fiscal years for allocation <br />as follows: <br />(1) Fifty percent pursuant to subdivisions (a) through (f), inclusive, of Section 99315 of <br />the Public Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009. <br />(2) Twenty -five percent pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 99312 of the Public <br />Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009. <br />(3) Twenty -five percent pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 99312 of the Public <br />Utilities Code, as that section read on July 30, 2009. <br />fiscal year. <br />10 <br />