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fund, and shall be allocated monthly in accordance with Section 4, and shall used solely for the <br />following purposes: <br />(a) The research, planning, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation <br />of public streets and highways (and their related public facilities for nonmotorized traffic), <br />including the mitigation of their environmental effects, the payment for property taken or <br />damaged for such purposes, and the administrative costs necessarily incurred in the foregoing <br />purposes. <br />(b) The research, planning, construction, and improvement of exclusive public mass <br />transit guideways (and their related fixed facilities), including the mitigation of their <br />environmental effects, the payment for property taken or damaged for such purposes, the <br />administrative costs necessarily incurred in the foregoing purposes, and the maintenance of the <br />structures and the immediate right -of -way for the public mass transit guideways, but excluding <br />the maintenance and operating costs for mass transit power systems and mass transit <br />passenger facilities, vehicles, equipment, and services. <br />SEC. 2. SEC. 3. Revenues from fees and taxes imposed by the State upon vehicles or <br />their use or operation, over and above the costs of collection and any refunds authorized by <br />law, shall be used for the following purposes: <br />(a) The state administration and enforcement of laws regulating the use, operation, or <br />registration of vehicles used upon the public streets and highways of this State, including the <br />enforcement of traffic and vehicle laws by state agencies and the mitigation of the <br />environmental effects of motor vehicle operation due to air and sound emissions. <br />(b) The purposes specified in Section 4.2 of this article. <br />SEC. 3. SEC. 4. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), Tthe' cgizl all provide <br />tatutory allocation formulas in <br />effect on June 30, 2009 which allocate the revenues described in Section 2 to fey cities, <br />counties, and areas of the State shall remain in effect. <br />(b) The Legislature shall not modify the statutory allocations in effect on June 30, 2009 <br />unless and until both of the following have occurred: <br />al it The Legislature determines in accordance with this subdivision that another basis <br />for an equitable, geographical, and jurisdictional distribution exists; i rov ded `hat, • until -such <br />• <br />Any future <br />statutory revisions shall (A) provide for the allocation of these revenues, together with other <br />6 <br />