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(5) Reduce, during any period in which the rate authority suspension described in <br />paragraph (4) is operative, the payments to a city, county, or city and county that are required <br />by Section 97.68 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, as that section read on November 3, 2004. <br />(6) Restrict the authority of a local entity to impose a transactions and use tax rate in <br />accordance with the Transactions and Use Tax Law (Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251) of <br />Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code), or change the method for distributing revenues <br />derived under a transaction and use tax rate imposed under that law, as it read on November 3, <br />2004. <br />(7) Require a community redevelopment agency (A) to pay, remit, loan or otherwise <br />transfer, directly or indirectly, taxes on ad valorem real property and tangible personal property <br />allocated to the agency pursuant to Section 16 of Article XVI to or for the benefit of the State, <br />any agency of the State, or any iurisdiction; or (B) to use, restrict, or assign a particular purpose <br />for such taxes for the benefit of the State, any agency of the State, or any jurisdiction, other <br />than (i) for making payments to affected taxing agencies pursuant to Sections 33607.5 and <br />33607.7 of Health and Safety Code or similar statutes requiring such payments, as those <br />statutes read on January 1, 2008; or (ii) for the purpose of increasing, improving, and preserving <br />the supply of low and moderate income housing available at affordable housing cost. <br />(b) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: <br />(1) "Ad valorem property tax revenues" means all revenues derived from the tax <br />collected by a county under subdivision (a) of Section 1 of Article XIII A, regardless of any of this <br />revenue being otherwise classified by statute. <br />(2) "Local agency" has the same meaning as specified in Section 95 of the Revenue and <br />Taxation Code as that section read on November 3, 2004. <br />(3) "Jurisdiction" has the same meaning as specified in Section 95 of the Revenue and <br />Taxation Code as that section read on November 3, 2004. <br />Section Five. Article XIX of the California Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />SECTION 1. The Legislature shall not borrow revenue from the Highway Users Tax <br />Account, or its successor, and shall not use these revenues for purposes, or in ways, other than <br />those specifically permitted by this article. <br />SEC. 2. Revenues from taxes imposed by the State on motor vehicle fuels for use in <br />motor vehicles upon public streets and highways, over and above the costs of collection and <br />any refunds authorized by law, shall be deposited into the Highway Users Tax Account (Section <br />2100 of the Streets and Highways Code) or its successor, which is hereby declared to be a trust <br />5 <br />