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Traffic Engineer Mike Tassano provided a brief PowerPoint presentation on traffic impacts, the <br />two Stoneridge Drive extensions, and the SEIR supplemental traffic study. He noted that most <br />information on the 4 -lane concurrent alternative was available in the original EIR, but the SEIR <br />condenses the information into one location as presents it as an alternative. He noted that the <br />proposed cul -de -sac or barrier project in the original EIR did identify a segment of Santa Rita <br />Road as an impact, but did not clearly state such. The SEIR identified the 2 -lane constrained <br />extension as the preferred project alternative and listed 6 impacted intersections, 4 of which are <br />in Pleasanton and all of which are mitigated. Impacts to 5 roadway segments were also <br />identified, are more regional in nature, and have mitigations supported through regional <br />transportation fees. In addition to local traffic impact and Tri- Valley Transportation fees, the <br />Alameda County Surplus Property Authority will provide $1.5 million for construction of roadway <br />improvements that go to overlay, new traffic signals, and intersection modifications identified as <br />necessary in the SEIR. <br />Mr. Dolan reviewed the significant and unavoidable impacts identified in the SEIR, which relate <br />to aesthetic and visual quality, air quality, climate change, noise, and traffic. He noted that the <br />categories of air quality impacts that are significant and unavoidable are regional, not local in <br />nature. Significant and unavoidable traffic impacts relate to an intersection in Dublin, and the <br />City of Dublin has chosen not to make those improvements. He reminded the Council that the <br />California Environmental Quality Act does not prohibit the Council from approving a project with <br />significant and unavoidable impacts, but does require adoption of a statement of overriding <br />considerations. <br />Councilmember McGovern questioned and confirmed with City Manager Fialho that staff sees <br />the Regional Transportation Agreement based on Program 1.6 of the Circulation Element to be <br />both a policy statement and a funding plan. Mr. Fialho stated that Hybrid 1A not only estimated <br />the cost of construction for each regional improvement identified, but also provided the <br />framework for Alameda County and its partner agencies to identify funding as it comes <br />available. He also confirmed for her that several projects prioritized above completion of SR -84 <br />have been completed, effectively moving SR -84 further up the list. Mr. Fialho did note an <br />exception is cases for funds are limited to use only on certain projects, but said most are <br />allocated based on priority. <br />Referring to the Page 6 of the MMRP, which states that reducing the size of outdoor spaces <br />could mitigate air quality issues, Councilmember McGovern recalled discussions that CLC will <br />not be doing that and that the language could be removed. Mr. Bocian confirmed. <br />Councilmember McGovern strongly supported outdoor opportunities for residents and wanted to <br />ensure that is not used as a mitigation measure. <br />Referring to Page 21 of the MMRP which discussed severely limiting or prohibiting Diazinon, <br />Councilmember McGovern said she would rather not allow it so close to the Arroyo district. On <br />Page 27, Item NO -1.2, she said there has also been discussion on removing the suggestion of <br />inoperable windows as noise impact mitigation. Mr. Bocian said CLC has indicated that they <br />intend to design independent living units with operable windows. <br />Councilmember McGovern referred to Page 30 of the MMRP, which discusses plans for 6 days <br />per week construction. She asked if a requirement could be added to limit Saturday construction <br />to work that is more interior in nature, rather than grading or other invasive activities. Mr. Fialho <br />confirmed. <br />Councilmember Cook - Kallio suggested that it be based on location, noting that areas nearer the <br />freeway would not be impacted the same as those immediately next to existing residences. <br />Special City Council Minutes Page 4 of 9 August 24, 2010 <br />