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pieces of public art for the Firehouse Arts Center, and additional public art at the <br /> Veterans Memorial Building. Soon the Harrington's plan to present a 10 -year public art <br /> giving plan for the City Council's consideration. As part of their estate planning, they are <br /> developing a public art endowment to benefit the City in perpetuity. <br /> Theater Seating Campaign — Seats in the Studio Theater at $500 /seat <br /> As a component of the broad -based fundraising campaign, the PCAF created a <br /> sponsorship program for each of the seats in the 227 -seat Firehouse Arts Center <br /> Theater. Seats can be purchased at the rate of $500 each and the sponsor will be <br /> recognized on a plaque, inside the theater auditorium to commemorate their <br /> contribution. <br /> Garden Patio Brick Campaign — Commemorative Bricks at $150 /brick <br /> PCAF has conducted a commemorative brick sales campaign. Bricks may be <br /> purchased with the option of a short inscription with their name or name of a loved one <br /> etc. Bricks will be placed at grade level in the Garden Patio adjacent to the historic <br /> brick firehouse structure. The area and brick placement was collaboratively designed <br /> with the help of ELS Architecture and Urban design, PCAF, O'Connor Construction <br /> Management, and city staff. Bras & Mattos Monument Company completed the brick <br /> inscriptions and the general contractor for the Firehouse Arts Center project, W.A. <br /> Thomas Company, will complete the installations. <br /> Donor Recognition Wall <br /> Architects from ELS Architecture and Urban Design, city staff, and the PCAF, worked to <br /> identify and design a site in the Firehouse Arts Center lobby to display a plaque and /or <br /> feature recognizing donors. It was agreed that the Donor Recognition Wall should <br /> result in a unique piece of public art that would transcend the usual recognition plaques. <br /> Artist and blacksmith Jill Turman was selected to develop a design for the Donor <br /> Recognition Wall, wall plaques and seating sponsor plaques (Attachment 3). The <br /> design drawings and samples have been reviewed and approved by the PCAF and <br /> Civic Arts Commission (Attachment 5). <br /> The Donor Recognition Wall will be consistent in design, style, and materials of the <br /> building's main entrance signage, which were also designed by Ms. Turman. The <br /> Donor Recognition Wall is a 16 -foot, mixed metal bas - relief sculpture designed to <br /> incorporate the names of private and corporate donors who have given a minimum of <br /> $5,000 toward the Firehouse Arts Center (Attachment 4). Currently, 46 donors have <br /> made contributions of $5,000 or more. The unique feature of this particular design <br /> allows for names to be added as future donations are received without appearing <br /> incomplete in its current state. Donors will receive an identical plaque as a keepsake. It <br /> is anticipated that the Donor Recognition Wall will be part of the City's Public Art <br /> collection and a major feature of the Grand Lobby and Theater area. <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />