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and provide comment on the document, after which the City has ninety days to adopt the <br /> Amended Housing Element. <br /> Mr. Bocian stated the tentative agreement does serve to retain local control over both the <br /> Housing Element and its process, however the City has agreed to partake in the following <br /> actions throughout the process: 1) the City will discuss with non - profit developers those terms <br /> and conditions of the Housing Element that benefit and promote affordable housing; 2) the City <br /> will identify sites which it believes are most competitive to receiving lower income housing tax <br /> credits and go through the process of ranking each site; and 3) the City will adopt goals and <br /> programs promoting affordable housing for families, including one or more programs to attract <br /> non - profit affordable housing development. In addition, the City will release a Draft Site <br /> Inventory for public comment within 180 days of the settlement date and will adopt all rezonings <br /> required to meet RHNA requirements prior to adoption of the Housing Element. Mr. Fialho noted <br /> that the current decertified Housing Element has a number of the provisions outlined by Mr. <br /> Bocian, but they are not necessarily well grouped or articulated. <br /> Councilmember McGovern asked if releasing the inventory to the public would limit the <br /> developer to that type of development on the site. Mr. Lowell explained the action is simply to <br /> identify the site, which does not mean the site has to be developed for that purpose. <br /> Mr. Bocian stated staff anticipates working through a parallel process that will include <br /> amendments to the GMO to ensure that adequate growth management measures are in place. <br /> He also noted the Council's approval of the Consent Calendar approved a contract for <br /> preparation of a Climate Action Plan (CAP), which includes a series of tasks related to <br /> completing the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Housing Element. Staff anticipates <br /> making a recommendation relative to professional services to complete the Housing Element at <br /> the Council's September 7, 2010 meeting. He discussed the CAP further, stating it addresses <br /> the Attorney General's 2009 lawsuit that the General Plan's EIR related to greenhouse gas <br /> impacts was inadequate. To address the issue, the City has agreed to complete a CAP within <br /> eighteen months of the settlement date. <br /> Relative to discrimination claims, the Council is being asked to adopt a resolution that sets forth <br /> a non - discrimination statement and requires the City to study and consider adoption of goals <br /> and programs promoting affordable non - profit housing development for families, as well as <br /> special needs households. Mr. Bocian said the particular concern here is to ensure that <br /> throughout the Housing Element process, the City looks very closely at the ability to provide <br /> adequate housing for a spectrum of lower income groups. <br /> Mr. Bocian reiterated that the Council has heard a number of requests to fully resolve these <br /> matters and end litigation. He reviewed the No Additional Litigation section of the agreement, <br /> under which the parties agree to dismiss the outstanding matters and not pursue additional <br /> litigation regarding the housing cap, Hacienda rezoning, and /or the General Plan. Agreeing to <br /> this does not prohibit lawsuits related to other matters in the future. <br /> The Tentative Agreement also indicates that the City will have permitting authority restored in <br /> full and without limitation of any kind as of the settlement date. Mr. Fialho stated that in the <br /> interim, staff is working to develop parameters that allow the City to approve permits within <br /> existing structures. <br /> Mr. Bocian discussed attorney fees, stating the City has agreed to pay $995,000 within thirty <br /> days of the settlement date and an additional $995,000 no later than thirty days from July 1, <br /> 2011. Staff expects that a recommendation on the appropriation of these funds will be included <br /> in the Settlement Agreement agenda report and anticipates using the City's Self- Insured <br /> City Council Minutes Page 8 of 12 July 20, 2010 <br />