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Retention Fund. The second payment will be addressed as part of the operating budget for <br /> Fiscal Year 2011 -12. He noted the Attorney General's office has opted not to claim litigation <br /> fees. <br /> He reviewed enforcement provisions, which are deemed equally important by all parties. The <br /> City has agreed that the court will retain jurisdiction to effectuate provisions of the settlement <br /> agreement until all matters are complete. The City has created a process whereby if the <br /> petitioners are of the opinion that the terms of the agreement are not met, they would provide <br /> the City with notice of such and meet with staff fourteen business days prior to seeking judicial <br /> enforcement. <br /> Mr. Bocian discussed the previously approved Hacienda rezonings, noting the agreement <br /> pertains only to these three sites and not the entire Hacienda Business Park. <br /> Mayor Hosterman said there was a point in the settlement discussion where the negotiating <br /> team sought to understand what would work in terms of affordable housing numbers and <br /> densities on these sites. Four local for - profit and one non - profit developer joined them for a <br /> number of discussions to help understand the issue and she thanked them for sharing their <br /> expertise and knowledge. <br /> Mr. Bocian reiterated that one of the agreed upon actions is removal of Section 5 from <br /> Ordinance No. 1998. Mr. Fialho said this gets to the objective of ensuring the continuance of the <br /> Hacienda Task Force and PUD process but does make concessions in the form of an <br /> accelerated time frame. <br /> Mr. Bocian reviewed the five step development process for the three sites as follows: 1) <br /> approval of core development standards; 2) development of non -core development standards <br /> and guidelines in cooperation with the Hacienda Task Force; 3) adoption of PUD ordinances <br /> that incorporate core and non -core development standards and guidelines; 4) processing of <br /> applications; and 5) project approvals. Contrary to the City's historical actions, this means the <br /> PUDs for the process will be in place and approved by the Council prior to the submittal of <br /> applications. The core standards revolve primarily around the sites' ability to provide an <br /> adequate amount of affordable housing and are as follows: 1) the developments will be a <br /> minimum of thirty units per acre; 2) 15% of all units or 130 units in total will be very -low income <br /> at 50% of AMI and this will be memorialized in an affordable housing agreement running in <br /> perpetuity with the land; 3) Section 8 vouchers will be accepted as a means of assisting <br /> qualified applicants; 4) 10% of all affordable units will be three - bedroom units to address the <br /> interest to accommodate large families, 35% will be two - bedroom units and the remainder will <br /> be one - bedroom; and 5) the units will be dispersed throughout the development. The Council is <br /> free to adopt any non -core standards it chooses, provided they do not conflict with core <br /> standards, which likely include guidelines related to project amenities, retail space, and <br /> standard planning actions. <br /> Following adoption of the PUD ordinances, staff and the Council will review process and review <br /> applications for consistency with the core and non -core development standards. He noted the <br /> Council will continue to have discretion in adopting conditions relative to the standards and <br /> interpretations of the guidelines for these sites. However, the Council cannot condition a project <br /> in a matter that makes the project infeasible. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said she did not see any discussion relative to environmental review <br /> or relevant studies and asked if that would be part of the process. Mr. Fialho confirmed, stating <br /> the City will conduct the appropriate environmental review related to all items identified in the <br /> term sheet. In addition to an EIR for the Housing Element and CAP, the discussion has been to <br /> City Council Minutes Page 9 of 12 July 20, 2010 <br />