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the presence of an active bat roost. A combination of visual surveys and acoustic <br /> detection equipment will be used at each potential roost from one hour before sunset, to <br /> two hours after sunset. If an active bat roost is observed, the applicant shall establish <br /> and maintain a buffer area around the site until earthmoving activities are completed or <br /> until September. Failure to maintain the buffer area shall result in the immediate <br /> issuance of a stop work order and cessation of activity. <br /> 15. Big Tarplant The applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a pre <br /> construction survey at least 15 days before the onset of construction to verify the <br /> presence of the big tarplant plant species on the individual building sites. If identified as <br /> present on the building sites, the building site will be subject to a prepared mitigation <br /> plan designed to preserve and protect the affected species from construction related <br /> impacts. <br /> 16. The statements in Conditions 10 through 15 shall be added to all site plans, grading <br /> plans, and /or improvement plans covering this development and /or the individual <br /> building sites. These same requirements shall apply to the individual home building <br /> sites and shall be added to the design guidelines covering this development. <br /> Existing Trees <br /> 17. To mitigate the potential significant impacts on trees from the site preparation and <br /> development activities, the applicant shall prepare and submit the following to the <br /> Planning Division for review and approval before the approval of the parcel map: <br /> a. An updated tree analysis based on the "Revised Preliminary Tree Report, 4100 <br /> Foothill Road, Pleasanton, California dated January 2010, prepared by <br /> Hort Science, Inc., shall implement the applicable provisions specified in the City of <br /> Pleasanton's Tree Preservation Ordinance, and shall include, but is not limited to, <br /> the following: <br /> A map based on the parcel design showing the tree locations superimposed <br /> over the lotting plan and grading plan including all cut/fill areas showing the <br /> trees to remain, to be removed, and the trees that may be impacted by grading. <br /> A listing of every tree covered in the above stated map stating its species, <br /> caliper, health, significance, and valuation. <br /> The 10 -foot grading setback lines from the canopy areas of the trees to be <br /> preserved and the trees that may be impacted from development that will also <br /> function as the location for fence lines to protect these trees. <br /> The type of fencing that will be used to fence the trees. <br /> b. An Oak Tree Mitigation Monitoring and Implementation Plan will include <br /> monitoring, success criteria, and contingency measures. <br /> c. The following statements addressing tree protection: <br /> Prior to the commencement of construction including any alteration of existing <br /> topography, a sturdy chain -link fence shall be installed a minimum of 10 feet <br /> beyond the tree driplines. No material storage, vehicle parking, etc., may occur <br /> inside the fence. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase <br /> the encroachment for construction. <br /> 4 <br />