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No excavation, grading, drainage, and leveling shall occur within the dripline of <br /> any preserved tree unless approved by the Planning Division, the City <br /> Engineer, and the consulting arborist. <br /> No disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals, or other harmful materials <br /> is allowed within the root protection zone of the preserved trees or in drainage <br /> channels, swales, or areas that may lead to the dripline. <br /> No wires, signs, or ropes may be attached to any tree that is part of this <br /> development including the permanent open space area. <br /> The CC &Rs and the design guidelines covering Lots 1 through 4 shall include the <br /> above statements in their wording. <br /> 18. The applicant shall post cash, letter of credit, or other security satisfactory to the Planning <br /> Division in the amount of the valuation of each tree identified in the plan should any work, <br /> utilities or otherwise, be conducted within an area in which potential impacts may be <br /> anticipated. This cash bond or security shall be retained for two years following <br /> acceptance of public improvements or completion of construction, whichever is later, and <br /> shall be forfeited if the trees are destroyed or substantially damaged. In the event any <br /> trees are destroyed or substantially damaged, an arborists' assessment, at the <br /> developer's expense, shall be required to determine the value of the damage or loss and <br /> the resultant sum paid to the City's Urban Forestry Fund or used for the suitable <br /> mitigation by planting specimen trees on -site, as determined by the Planning Division. <br /> 19. Each building envelope is subject to site specific design review where the placement of <br /> structures will be reviewed towards tree preservation. If a native /non- native, <br /> heritage /non- heritage size within the building envelope is proposed to be removed, to <br /> compensate for the habitat values lost from the removal of heritage -size and non heritage <br /> size trees, the applicant shall replace these trees to be removed with a combination of <br /> 15- gallon and 24 -inch box -size specimen trees native to the site at a replacement ratio <br /> and locations to be determined by the Planning Division and the City Landscape Architect <br /> according to the following mitigation program: <br /> Plant three, 24 -inch box -size specimen trees native to the site for each Heritage tree <br /> to be removed and one, 15- gallon -size specimen tree native to the site for each non <br /> Heritage tree to be removed. <br /> Pay to the City's Urban Forestry Fund a sum not to exceed the estimated value of <br /> the tree to be removed provided with the design application(s) for the site. <br /> The replacement trees shall be shown on the construction drawings to the <br /> satisfaction of the Planning Division and shall be located in the areas A -1 through A- <br /> 5, below, to screen the homes from view and to "fill" the current gaps between <br /> existing tree groups. <br /> n In i.. 11 7.r <br /> Y W <br /> a <br /> I.M <br /> .y- Y ti 4 r� L. W lbu <br />