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Councilmember McGovern said she is amazed by the amount of material covered by staff. She <br /> said she is excited to see how far they have come already and what is planned for the future. <br /> MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCIL <br /> Vice -Mayor Thorne said he attended the LAVTA meeting yesterday. With implementation of the <br /> bus rapid transit system, LAVTA is planning to reduce service Wheels Route 10 service <br /> between Isabel Avenue and downtown Pleasanton to every 30 minutes. When the idea of rapid <br /> transit service began, it called for service through Old Stanley Boulevard into the downtown. <br /> Citizens voiced opposition and the route was changed. He said there is thought that this latest <br /> decision may be punitive and he and Councilmember McGovern have asked staff to ensure that <br /> LAVTA is considering the best ridership scenario possible. <br /> In addition, the Wheels Route 602 to schools has an overflow bus that will be eliminated, <br /> potentially leaving kids standing on the bus to and from school, and he voiced safety issues <br /> relative to that and asked the public to take advantage of upcoming outreach meetings to share <br /> their thoughts. A public meeting will be held in Pleasanton on June 15 at the library and there <br /> will be a public hearing at the June 7th board meeting at the Wheels headquarters in Livermore. <br /> The board will make a decision at its July 12 meeting. <br /> Councilmember McGovern voiced concern for those who work between Livermore and <br /> Pleasanton and questioned whether there would be sufficient service during peak commute <br /> hours. She also voiced concern for how this may impact the many seniors using Route 10 in <br /> terms of commute time and transfers. She hopes to discuss these things with staff so she has a <br /> full perspective on what these changes mean for the public. <br /> Councilmember Cook- Kallio suggested that if the change is based on cost savings, it may be an <br /> option to provide service every 20 minutes rather than 15 or 30. Vice -Mayor Thorne explained <br /> that the schedule is intended to compliment BART service and there may be some limitations <br /> with that, but that it is definitely something to pursue with LAVTA. <br /> Mayor Hosterman asked if reducing the size of buses used could provide cost savings. Vice <br /> Mayor Thorne said it could, depending on available equipment, and this would be explored, as <br /> well. <br /> COUNCIL REPORTS None <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m., with a tribute to our <br /> nation's men and women serving in the military. We wish to honor the memories of those who <br /> have died in past wars in defense of our country including those who have died in the current <br /> conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Karen Diaz <br /> City Clerk <br /> City Council Minutes Page 10 of 10 May 4, 2010 <br />