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6/9/2010 4:11:31 PM
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have signed up to date to take advantage of the low or no cost improvements available for all <br /> different types of businesses. <br /> Mr. Smith discussed updates relative to the Climate Action Plan. AB 32 requires a reduction of <br /> greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. There has been considerable discussion on <br /> whether or not AB 32 is good for the economy and figures put out by the state do show that a <br /> transition to a green economy provides actually benefits greater than those reported by others. <br /> Consultant selection concludes this month and the CAP campaign will kick off shortly after with <br /> outreach on land use, renewable energy, energy efficiency, green building, water conservation, <br /> and waste reduction. Included in the plan is a greenhouse gas reduction initiative that leverages <br /> all rebates available through PG &E. <br /> The City has also participated in a sustainability group organized by Hunter Lovens, a leading <br /> authority on sustainable development. Together with the University of California San Francisco <br /> Medical Center and other Bay Area businesses, the group has spent the last 7 months training <br /> with her on sustainable practices. Through this program, the City has accessed new, interactive <br /> software capable of analyzing the costs benefits of specific retrofits on specific applications. The <br /> goal of the group is to begin the education process through which the City can lead the way in <br /> setting a sustainable example for the entire community. <br /> He reported on the creation of informal green economy group comprised of various disciplines. <br /> with the vision of being the catalyst for the change in habits on all levels of the new Tri- Valley <br /> sustainable economy. The group has designated a subcommittee to work with local vendors on <br /> AB 11, which kicks off this summer. <br /> Vice -Mayor Thorne said he would like to forward this information to the state's Environmental <br /> Quality Committee and the National League of Cities, both of which he sits on. He said many <br /> could learn from what is taking place here in Pleasanton and he would also like to work on <br /> developing two way communications with both. <br /> Mayor Hosterman said Mr. Smith and his staff put together a fantastic 14- minute video on what <br /> is being done at the Operations Service Center. She shared it with members of the U.S. <br /> Conference of Mayors and it was wildly successful. The video will be shared in several U.S. <br /> locations this year and many will be able to learn from the City's progressive actions. She <br /> thanked him for the staff report and for his efforts and said she believes the City is moving <br /> forward very quickly and will be very close to the goals of AB 32 well before the deadline. <br /> Councilmember Cook- Kallio said Mr. Smith and his staff have accomplished a tremendous <br /> amount of work in a relatively short time and are to be commended. <br /> Mayor Hosterman extended her thanks to the Committee on Energy and the Environment as <br /> well as the informal group started by Councilmember Sullivan. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan reiterated thanks to Mr. Smith, City staff, and the committee. He said <br /> they struggled with these concepts for several years but have accelerated tremendously in this <br /> past year and are far beyond the efforts of others to date. He is incredibly excited by the <br /> sustainability group surrounding the world renowned Hunter Lovins. He said many in the Bay <br /> Area have made great strides in energy policy but are having difficulty in actually affecting that <br /> change. The green economy is modeled after the work of Dan Jones and the Apollo Alliance <br /> and is centered on bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss the <br /> environment, the economy, and energy. He said many good ideas have come from these <br /> meetings and he looks forward to taking this to the next level. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 9 of 10 May 4, 2010 <br />
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