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Five Year Objectives Five Year Goals Performance Measure <br /> services, job preparation and <br /> placement. <br /> 4. The Shelter Plus Care Program On an annual basis see a decrease in <br /> will provide safe, secure housing for the number of chronically homeless <br /> 330 homeless people disabled by individuals in the community. <br /> serious mental illness, chronic <br /> alcohol and other drug problems, <br /> and /or HIV /AIDS. <br /> Promote the production of affordable Create 100 units of transitional and On an annual basis see a decrease in <br /> housing and transitional and permanent housing county -wide for the number of chronically homeless <br /> permanent with supportive services homeless individuals and families individuals in the community. <br /> by supporting the acquisition and who are extremely low and low <br /> rehabilitation and new construction income households. <br /> of units by non profit developers. <br /> The Urban County will administer Conduct a Request for Proposal On an annual basis see a decrease in <br /> any Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) (RFP) process that will address the number of chronically homeless <br /> entitlement funds that become emerging needs from the EveryOne individuals in the community. <br /> available. Home Plan. <br /> Promote adequate funding for I. Expand the supply of housing for On an annual basis see a decrease in <br /> homeless housing and services. homeless populations by advocating the number of chronically homeless <br /> for additional sources of funds. individuals in the community. <br /> 2. Rehabilitation of homeless shelter <br /> in Newark. <br /> GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION <br /> All of the activities described above will serve Pleasanton residents. The Tri- Valley Haven shelter <br /> and community service building, the new transitional housing project, and some of the homeless <br /> services in the area are located in Livermore but serve residents of the greater Tri- Valley area. <br /> Priority: Maintain and expand activities designed to prevent those <br /> currently housed from becoming homeless. <br /> Priority Analysis and Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs <br /> For many people, housing is typically the largest expense in the household budget. Federal, state, <br /> and local housing programs frequently require that low income households should pay no more than <br /> 30% of their gross income towards housing costs. The National Low Income Housing Coalition <br /> found that in order to afford the median fair market rent for a two bed -room unit in Alameda County <br /> it would require a job that paid $24.90 per hour at 40 hours per week. (Present State minimum wage <br /> is $8.00 per hour). The more housing costs rise, the less disposable income low income households <br /> have for other necessities, including food, health care, and education. Most low income families live <br /> from paycheck to paycheck and are only one paycheck away from losing their current housing. <br /> Strategic Plan FY2010 FY2014 <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Page 29 <br />