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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br /> Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br /> 15. PROGRANI ENRO1,1_A1IINT <br /> What is the maximum and average time between receiving an application and enrolling an <br /> applicant in the program? <br /> Response: <br /> Applications are processed within five (5) days after they are received. Applications are <br /> accepted by mail, walk -in, or facsimile. During FY 2008 -09, 298 new clients registered and <br /> used PPS. In FY 2010 -11, it is estimated that 200 new riders will register for PPS. <br /> Is there a waiting list? If so, what are the policies that apply to it? How many people are on <br /> it? What is the average wait? <br /> Response: <br /> There is currently no waiting list. <br /> Describe how you will measure customer satisfaction, for example, by participating in a <br /> county -wide rider survey, tracking customer comments, or other means? <br /> Response: <br /> The City of Pleasanton staff recognizes the importance of regularly evaluating customer <br /> service satisfaction and uses four (4) different tools to achieve this goal. <br /> 1. Annual evaluations for the PPS Door -to -Door Service and the Downtown <br /> Route are mailed to every rider (459 riders for FY 2009 -10), and includes <br /> space for both complaints and commendations. The rider is provided a free <br /> ride for completing the evaluation, and all results are tabulated and reviewed <br /> by staff and the PPS Task Force. The Task Force provides recommendations <br /> to staff regarding this annual process. <br /> 2. On -going customer phone calls and/or letters received by PPS staff or other <br /> City employees. The buses have, in large print, the PPS phone number painted <br /> on the sides. This advertised phone number is one of the best sources of <br /> customer feedback. Calls or correspondence are routed to the PPS Supervisor <br /> and quickly resolved. <br /> 3. The City also provides customer feedback cards throughout all of its <br /> departments and programs. These cards are reviewed by the city management <br /> team, and shared with the specific programs. <br /> 4. The City regularly encourages feedback by directing residents to their website <br /> which is reviewed daily and comments and concerns are redirected to the <br /> appropriate supervisor or manager for feedback and resolution. <br /> Page 10 of 22 <br />