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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br /> Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br /> 8. OBJECTIVES <br /> Identify objectives for the proposed services. As much as possible these should be <br /> measurable in numerical terms, and should be accompanied by a baseline measure for the <br /> existing service. For example, you might target increasing the number of trips provided from <br /> 10,000 projected in the current year to 15,000 in the plan year. Use the following table, <br /> expanding the boxes vertically as needed. <br /> Response: <br /> (Please see Attachment 2: PPS Goals /Objectives /Performance Measurements and Standards <br /> for FY 2010 -11.) These draft goals were recently approved by the PPS Task Force and will <br /> be reviewed by the City Council for final approval. <br /> Objective Baseline Target <br /> Pleasanton Paratransit Door -to -Door Service 16,578 trips 14,000 trips <br /> Downtown Route (DTR) 5,000 trips 6,000 trips <br /> 9. MEAL. DELIVERY SERVICE <br /> Provide information about your program's meal delivery service in the table below, including <br /> funding allocations in the current fiscal year and next year (claim year), the length (in years) <br /> that you have used Measure B funds for meal delivery, and how you plan to fund your <br /> program if faced with revenue shortfalls. <br /> Measure B Funding for Meal Delivery Service- current year $0 <br /> Estimated Measure B Funding for Meal Delivery Service next fiscal <br /> year <br /> Length (in years) of Measure B Funding for meal delivery Years <br /> When faced with revenue shortfalls, how do you balance meal delivery with trip <br /> requests? Please explain: <br /> Describe your driver training program. <br /> Response: <br /> Monthly staff meetings are held and include all paratransit staff; dispatchers, drivers and <br /> office aide. As part of these monthly meetings, on -going training opportunities are scheduled. <br /> Training topics include review of local social agencies and services provided, CPR and First <br /> Aid certification, Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol protocols, review of daily <br /> inspection and safety procedures, updates on valley wide transit options, understanding the <br /> Page 7 of 22 <br />