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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br /> Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br /> serve seven (7) Pleasanton senior housing locations, and the following highly requested <br /> stops: Pleasanton Senior Center, Pleasanton Library /City Hall, Main Street, Raleys and <br /> Safeway Shopping Centers, Post Office, Wal -Mart, Stoneridge Shopping Center, and Valley <br /> Care and Kaiser Medical Centers. DTR operates Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday <br /> from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and Wednesdays 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. Cost for this same day <br /> transportation option is half the Door -to -Door rate or $1.50, no matter how many stops a <br /> rider makes in one day. The City's Fee assistance program as described earlier can also be <br /> used to purchase DTR tickets at a 75% savings for those eligible residents. <br /> Comparing ridership between July 1, 2008 December 31, 2008 and July 1, 2009 <br /> December 31, 2009, it is noted that ridership for DTR went up 31% and ridership for PPS <br /> Door -to -Door went down 26 DTR riders find the low cost fare and same day service very <br /> attractive. PPS riders have gained self confidence and assurance to ride DTR all day, making <br /> multiple stops throughout the system to meet their various needs. <br /> The DTR operating budget for FY 2010 -11 is projected at $147,701. As a non -core City <br /> service, general funding for this program has not been approved for FY 2010 -11.. <br /> Travel Ambassador Program <br /> Initiated through Measure B Gap funds, the City of Pleasanton's Travel Ambassador <br /> Program has been incorporated into the PPS Office as a regular volunteer service. The part <br /> time dispatcher has full responsibility for overseeing the three (3) volunteers that assist local <br /> residents in understanding their transit options. For the first half of FY 2009 -10, 21 <br /> individuals were provided travel training and 59 travel ambassador volunteer hours were <br /> provided to the program. Recruitment for new volunteers is on -going and training by <br /> LAVTA's Travel Trainer helps support this important service. <br /> Rider Assessment Service <br /> On -going rider assessments have been completed through the assistance of PPS staff and the <br /> support of the Senior Support Program of the Tri- Valley's case management staff. Jennifer <br /> Cullen, Senior Support Program's Senior Transportation Coordinator, has been instrumental <br /> in assisting those most frail Tri Valley residents who need same day transportation in and out <br /> of the Valley. This Measure B Gap funded volunteer driver program has served a very <br /> important need in the Tri Valley and without future funding will leave a gap in service that <br /> PPS will not be able to effectively fill. <br /> 7. VEHICLE ICLE FLEET <br /> Please complete the spreadsheet "MB Annual Program Application Cover Attachment 1" <br /> Page 6 of 22 <br />