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and general public are intangible and unquantifiable. It is appropriate that these special business- related <br /> benefits be funded through business assessments. <br /> C. Time and Manner for Collecting Assessments <br /> The TVTBID assessment is proposed to be implemented in May 2010, or as soon thereafter as city <br /> council hearing schedules will allow; and will continue for five (5) years. Each City will be <br /> responsible for collecting the assessment on at least a quarterly basis (including any delinquencies, <br /> penalties and interest) from each lodging business located in the boundaries of the TVTBID. Each <br /> City shall take all reasonable efforts to collect the assessments from each lodging business. Each <br /> City shall, on a quarterly basis, forward the assessments to the City of Pleasanton. The City of <br /> Pleasanton shall forward the assessments to TVCVB which will have the responsibility of managing <br /> the TBID programs as provided in this Management District Plan. <br /> D. Service Plan Budget <br /> A summary of the annual service plan budget for the TVTBID is provided on the following pages. <br /> The total five year improvement and service plan budget is projected at approximately $1,520,000 <br /> annually, or $7,600,000 through 2015. <br /> E. Annual Service Plan <br /> A service plan budget has been developed to deliver services throughout the District. An annual <br /> service plan and budget will be developed and approved by the TVCVB Board. Please see the <br /> budget exhibit on the next page. The budget also includes a portion for contingencies and renewal <br /> of the District. Should the TVCVB Board approve, funds may be appropriated for the renewal <br /> effort. If there are funds remaining at the end of the District term and lodging businesses choose to <br /> renew, these remaining funds could be transferred to the renewed District. If there are funds <br /> remaining at the end of the District and lodging businesses choose not to renew, any remaining <br /> funds will be spent consistent with this Plan or returned to assessed businesses in proportion to the <br /> assessment paid by each business. <br /> F. Adjustments <br /> The TVCVB board has full authority to manage expenditures consistent with this Plan. Although <br /> actual revenues will fluctuate due to market conditions, the proportional allocations of the budget <br /> below shall remain the same. The TVCVB board shall have the authority to adjust budget <br /> allocations between the categories below by no more than fifteen percent (15 per year. <br /> Tri- Valley Tourism Business Improvement District Management District Plan Page 7 <br />