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Commissioner Olson inquired if this was the standard in the community. <br />Mr. Dolan replied that the City has been criticized for being inconsistent, which is <br />accurate. He noted the language is consistent with some of the more liberal hours <br />granted recently. <br />Mr. Bocian agreed, stating that there is a high demand for ice rinks in the evening. He <br />added that staff looked at the proposed scheduling for the building and agreed that <br />those hours support the condition. <br />Commissioner Olson stated that he does not have any problem with 1:00 a.m. to <br />6:00 a.m. but that the condition appears to be open-ended. <br />Commissioner O’Connor inquired if it would be possible to have the restaurant bar open <br />without the ice rink being open. <br />Mr. Bocian said no. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he like the concept overall but that it struck him that <br />there were no international-size hockey rinks in the facility. He indicated that he thought <br />there would be one or two international-size rinks and two NHL-size rinks so that if the <br />Olympics were to come to the area, that City could serve as host. <br />Mr. Fulford stated that Olympic-size rinks were being phased out. He noted that today's <br />newspaper reported that HP Pavilion, which cannot be converted to Olympic-size, <br />recently got the 2012 National U.S. Figure-Skating Championships. He added the <br />upcoming Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, will be played in an NHL-size rink. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that page 6 of the staff report states that the floor area ratio <br />is 19 percent. She inquired if this figure is based on the entire 17-acre community park <br />land. <br />Ms. Giffin said yes. <br />Commissioner Narum referred to signage on page 7 of the staff report and requested <br />confirmation that the two normal Pleasanton park signs would be located at the Park <br />entry and the two Sharks signs would be are on the leased land. <br />Ms. Giffin said yes. She stated that there is a condition of approval requiring the <br />monument sign to be relocated within the lease area, or the lease area to be expanded <br />out around the sign. <br />Commissioner Narum inquired if the Sharks will be responsible for maintaining those <br />signs. <br />Ms. Giffin said yes. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, November 5, 2009 Page 9 of 19 <br /> <br />