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with young children use these facilities and inquired if thought had been given to this <br />idea. <br />Mr. Bocian replied that staff did think about this, particularly for the Neighborhood Park, <br />because it is a very small restroom, but that there are none. He noted that staff also <br />thought about it for the Community Park and felt it was not necessary. He added that <br />outside of the practicality for the patron who may want to use the restroom, staff has <br />experienced significant maintenance issues with family restrooms, and maintenance <br />and parks staff have encouraged against them. He stated that most of those types of <br />restrooms lock from the inside and that the City has had issues with this. He indicated <br />that the Sharks facility is right next door to the Community Park and that staff is hoping <br />to get a synergy from the recreational amenity that the Sharks provide in the Park so <br />there would be access to a lot of restrooms. <br />Chair Pearce inquired if direction was needed on the color of the building. <br />Mr. Petruzzi replied that their favorite color is brick. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that they did not look very Pleasanton-like to him. He <br />indicated that he realizes there is a marketing brand for the Sharks but requested that it <br />be of a higher quality. He noted the big blue Shark sign and the small Pleasanton sign <br />and inquired if there was a way to make the building look a little more like Pleasanton. <br />Wayne Rasmussen stated that they have discussed colors with staff, reviewed many <br />color schemes, and have submitted four different schemes for consideration. He <br />indicated that the Sharks’ preferred option is the brick in the PUD plan and that a green <br />color that is also acceptable to them; the darker brown color, however, was dismissed. <br />He noted that staff brought up the idea of a blue color as well, which was actually <br />suggested by the architectural consultant who reviewed this building and felt that it <br />captures the ice or interior use look a lot. Mr. Rasmussen stated that he felt any of <br />those three colors would be appropriate.He added that they could not go with any <br />darker colors due to the size of the building so they went with the lighter colors and <br />explored the basic ones that could be used. <br />With respect to signage, Mr. Rasmussen stated that there has not been any attempt in <br />the colors, other than the Sharks logo. He indicated that in past plans, there were larger <br />graphics for the Sharks and smaller for the City and they were reminded that this is a <br />City park; they, therefore, reduced a portion of the Sharks sign and increased the size of <br />the City’s sign. He concluded that they were open to achieving what the City is looking <br />for. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he did not want to dictate colors and felt it was <br />symbolic of the Sharks’ blue, but noted that when he looked at the renderings of the <br />buildings, the combination of the color and form do not look Pleasanton-like. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, November 5, 2009 Page 15 of 19 <br /> <br />