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A recess followed during which the finance committee examined Claims <br />No. 259 to 297 inclusive and amounting to $539.42, and corrected Claim No. <br />255 amounting to $32.00, as well as the officers' monthly reports. Following <br />the recess, after which the meeting had been called to order again, Councilman <br />Rivolta, of the finance committee, reported that the committee had approved <br />Claims No. 259 to 297 inclusive. Also Claim No..255 had been approved. On <br />his motion seconded by Councilman Madsen and with all the Councilmen present <br />voting in favor or.same, the claims were ordered paid. Councilman Rivolta <br />then reported that the finance committee had approved the officers' monthly <br />reports and he made,a motion that they, be placed on file. %here being no <br />objections they were ordered filed. <br />Action on the communications received was taken as. follows: <br />January 5th: -- Constitutional Rights Association. The Clerk was instructed <br />to secure further information regarding the creation of the <br />municipality public utility district in the bay district, <br />advised by the Association. <br />January 5th: -- Ernest W. Schween - -A discussion followed relative to the <br />matter and Councilman Amaral presented resolution 1531, <br />empowering the Clerk to employ a stenographer until further <br />ordered by the Council at the sum of $25.00 per month for <br />the doing and performing of such clerical and stenographic. <br />work as may be the respective departments of <br />the Town of Pleasanton. On motion of Councilman Madsen <br />seconded by Councilman Olesen and with all the Councilmen <br />in favor of same the resolution was adopted and, passed.. <br />Councilman Amaral then presented Resolution 1534, a resolution providing <br />that Downey Street be hereafter called Pleasanton Avenue. On motion of <br />Councilman Amaral seconded by Councilman Madsen and with all 'the Councilmen <br />in favor of same the resolution was passed. <br />The Clerk then reported on a recent investigation conducted by Mr. <br />Hanke of the rates etc. charged by thelPacific Gas & Electric Company to <br />the municipality. The Clerk advised that with the exception of the main <br />street sign where the rate was a little in excess of what it should be that <br />everything otherwise was O.K. <br />The Clerk then reported with reference to S.E.R.A. projects presented to <br />the Administration and which were O.K d recently and upon which work would <br />shortly be started. The Clerk also advised that S.E.R.A. engineers were <br />anxious to get the Sewer.Farm project under way and that Mr. Hartley, one <br />of the engineers, had advised that a limited amount of pipe would be available <br />free for the work. The matter was referred to Councilman.Madsen with <br />instructions to prepare same fdt a special meeting of the Council. The Clerk <br />was instructed to communicate with Mr. Hartley concerning the pipe and also <br />with the administration relative to getting local unemployed men on the payroll. <br />The Clerk advised that the Standard Oil Company and the Union Oil <br />Company had approached him relative to signing a contract for gasoline and <br />also that the next order of gasoline was due the Standard Oil Company. <br />The Clerk advised the Council as to how the gasoline accounts had been <br />handled the past several months, and this matter was especially favored. <br />The Council ordered that,the contracts should not be signed and the fegular <br />method of ordering as heretofore be followed. <br />Councilman Madsen of the Public Utilities Department reported that <br />his department was progressing and that there was no special matters to <br />be taken up. <br />Councilman Amaral of the'Laws and Judiciary committee had nothing to report <br />and his committee again brought up the matter of proper signs directing attention <br />to the location of McKinley Park and that to date no sign had been erected. He <br />also brought up numerous complaints regarding various streets in the municiia lity <br />which should be designated as blind streets and asked that a survey be na de. <br />He also suggested that a fence be placed in the vicinity of the S.P. tracks near <br />the town jail and reported a recent small accident there. The sign matter as <br />well as the fence was referred to Councilman Olesen for attention and action. <br />Councilman Amaral also spoke with reference to show permits advising that a show <br />had been given in November and which no permit had been asked, and also that there <br />was one to be given in:. January for which no permit had yet been solicited. Advice <br />was given by Councilman Olesen to the affect that the November show had been <br />permitted on account of it,being understood at the November meeting that same <br />would be in order. Councilman Madsen also queried with - xegar-,ds .to the January <br />show and Mr. Silver, who was present at the meeting, advised that it would be <br />given at the high school. <br />Councilman Olesen of the Street and Building Committee spoke with reference <br />to the amount of rubbish which the municipality was being expected to haul away <br />each F turday,, by property owners. He advised that much of this really was Woe <br />work Steve Adamian•w ho should be paid for same by the property owners concerned. <br />He al reported that the Street Department could not be expected to do all the <br />work especially where the contents of back yards was being emptied on the street <br />in order to be picked up on Saturday by the Street Department. It was ordered' <br />that this custom -which had prevailed of 'recent months - -be discouraged and the <br />press be employed to assist in the matter. Mr. Rodrigues was present and explained <br />