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OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
City of Pleasanton
DEC 1923 TO MAY 1954
OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
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110.6. <br />recent months which was hurting his programs. Some discussion then took place with <br />regards to the shoes and especially directed at Mr. Tripp, music instructor at the <br />high school. After this discussion by the Council it was decided that in the <br />future an desiring to present a show locally must secure permission <br />from the any Council. This was done on motion of Councilman Amaral, seconded by <br />Councilman Madsen and with all the Councilmen in favor of same. The Clerk was <br />instructed to insert an article in the local paper to the effect. <br />Councilman Olesen,o.f the Street and Building committee.took up the matter of <br />the Holzreiter property and since Mr. Holzreiter was in the audience he was permitted <br />to state his case. Mr. Holzreiter explained to the Council that he was financially <br />unable to do the work at this time and he was against contracting any bills for <br />improvements on his property which he was not able to meet promptly. Both Mayor <br />Orloff and Councilman O.lesen explained the municipaiit1ke part in the matter and <br />what could be done in case the Council so ordered. Discussion between Mr. Holzreiter <br />and the Councilmen named then followed and it was agreed that Mr. Holzreiter might <br />put in a temporary opening to drain the street in front of .his property and that <br />at a later date he should install the required curb and gutter. <br />Before Councilman Madsen of the Public Utilties 6ommittee,was called upon <br />for his report Councilman Amaral asked that Mr. George Johnson of the Johnson <br />Milling Company be called upon regarding licenses to be paid. Mr. Johnson in <br />turn asked that Mr..Delucchi explain what had been done by him towards collecting <br />these licenses. Mr. Delucchi then explained that he had endeavored to collect <br />a special coal license from Mr. Johnson and that Mr. Johnson had felt that fuel <br />and feed should be combined and that he refused to pay the license. Mr. Johnson <br />then explained his situation and various matters in connection with the disposal <br />by him of certain stock belonging to the H. Arendt & Company which was being <br />disposed of in order to settle the estate. Mr. Nilson verified Tyr. Johnson's <br />statement. Later in the meeting Mr. Delucchi advised the Council that Mr. <br />George Johnson and Mr. Earle Johnson of the Pleasanton Lumber Company had become <br />involved in a coal deal and that Mr. Earle Johnson had taken out a coal license <br />and that Mr. George Johnson was disposing same for him. It was decided to go <br />into the matter of Mr. Johnson's license at the next meeting since he felt that <br />some of the licenses which he was being called upon to pay were covered by the <br />feed license. <br />Councilman Madsen of the Public Utilities Committee reported on conditions <br />at the Sewer Farm and stated that of recent weeks that the Engineer had patched <br />up the leaks in.the pipe with tar and felt paper."Mr. Madsen advised that this <br />was only temporary and that action would have to be .taken at some future meeting <br />with regards to, replacing the line. It was decided that'the Clerk should procure <br />prices on 8 inch vitrolite pipe. Mr. Madsen questioned Mr. Britten, who was <br />present, with regards to the requisition needed for the American La France <br />Foamite Company bill which was missing. Mr. Britten promised to look into <br />the matter. Mr. Britten was called upon for some remarks and he advised that of <br />recent weeks his activities at the sewer farm had not been very strenuous <br />but that he was prepared to go _forward with his experiment during the month of <br />November. He also advised that he intended to secure analysis from U.C. of <br />water which he would submit from the Sewer Farm. Mr, Madsen -a explained that <br />Mr. Britten felt that the Council would be better satisfied if analysis of <br />the water was made both by Mr. Britten and the University of California. <br />Councilman Olesen reported on the cleaning up which has been going on of <br />recent weeks as regards leaves etc. Also the painting of the streets and curbs <br />which have been completed. He advised the Council that a .request had been <br />received from property owners on Downey Street to the effect that they were <br />anxious to see the name changed from Downey Street to,Pleasanton Avenue, since <br />Pleasanton Avenue extended to Division Street. Some ouestions with regards <br />to the matter followed and the City Attorney was called upon for advice. He <br />reported that the best proceedure would be to have a petition circulated <br />among the property owners on the street concerned and upon receipt of same <br />that an ordinance could be prepared showing that that portion of the street <br />from St. Johns Street to Division Street and now known as Downey Street would <br />be hereafter known as Pleasanton Avenue. Councilman Olesen also brought up <br />a condition in the fill on Division Street where the gravel company was <br />still tying to the posts there and dLoing further damage. He advised that this <br />should be stgped and and that those concerned should again have' their attention <br />directed to same. _The Clerk.was advised to notify them with regards to the <br />matter. <br />The Clerk took up the matter of SERA projects and read letters recently <br />received from the Oakland headquarters. He also reported on a visit of three <br />officials of the Administration had made that day with regards to work. lie <br />also advised what could be done locally and it was decided that projects <br />should be outlined by the Council and submitted to members of the Administration <br />at a special meeting of the Council sometime during the month. <br />The following resolutions were then presented: <br />Resolution No. 1523 -- Authorizing the payment of the salaries,of the municipal <br />officers' for,the Month of October and amounting to $745.00. <br />it 1524 -- Authorizing the payment to the County of Alameda of the <br />first and second installment of taxes on sewer farm property <br />and the camp grounds property and amounting to $29.58. <br />06-- <br />
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