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la9t4 <br />Pleasanton, California, August 13, 1934. <br />The Town Council of the Town of Pleasanton met in special session at 8 o'clock <br />on the above written date with Mayor Thomas Orloff presiding. Present at io -1l call <br />were Councilmen Madsen, Amaral, Olesen and Orloff and absent,.Councilman Apperson. <br />The 81erk then read Resolution No. 1516, a resolution of condolence in memory <br />of Henry Reimers, a former Councilman of the Town of Pleasanton. On motion of <br />Councilman Madsen, seconded by Councilman Olesen and with all the Councilmen in <br />favor of same, Resolution No. 1516 was adopted. The resolution was ordered spread <br />on the minutes of they records of the Town of Pleasanton and was as follows: <br />"Whereas: The Supreme Ruler of the`Universe has, in His infinite wisdom, removed <br />from our midst - Henry Reimers, a former councilman of the Town of Pleasanton and <br />for many years one of its most active members; and whereas, the high esteem in which <br />he was: Held by his fellow townsmen renders it fitting that we reoc rd our apprecia tion <br />of him and that just tribute be paid to his work; therefore, be it <br />RESOLVED, That the removal of such a citizen from the life of our community leaves <br />a vacancy and incurrs a loss that will be deeply realized by not only those with <br />whom he had been associated but likewise by those whom he served in other years, <br />and that in his passing a loss will be suffered by the Town of Pleasanton; resolved, <br />that we, the members of the Council of the Town of Pleasanton, extend to his devoted <br />wife and•the members of his bereaved family, not only our heartfelt sympathy, but <br />that of this community. And be it further resolved, that these resolutions be <br />spread upon the minutes of our records, and that a copy be forwarded to the family <br />of the deceased." <br />The Clerk then read a letter received from E. Assalino, manager of the Hotel <br />Rooswelt in reference to "obtainekermission to have dancing after dinner on Saturday <br />nights until 1 o'clock." The reason for this being "that private parties usually <br />come to the hotel on that evening and often remain to dance "and the hotel management <br />desired to ascertain what the town's regulations in regards to same. There was <br />some discussion between Councilman Amaral and Madsen on the matter after which the <br />Clerk discussed the attitude of fir. Assalino and the reason for his writing the <br />Council concerning the matter. Mayor Orloff, after hearing the discussion and the <br />Clerk's remarks, instructed the nightwatchman to take care of the situation and <br />Councilman Amaral was also advised to look into the matter. <br />Mr. Earl Johnson of Livermore appeared before the Council with regards to <br />opening a lumber yard etc. on the Stoajohn property between the Hanifen Garage <br />and the Hanifen home. Mr. Johnson explained that he intended to erect a building <br />to be used as an office and for stoning lumber. He also described the construction <br />of the building and the general plan he had in mind for a lumber yard. He advised <br />the Council that he was anxious to secure a permit which would donform with the <br />building restrictions of that locality. After some discussion among the Councilmen, <br />Councilman Amaral moved that the necessary,permit be granted Mr. Jp).inson with the <br />understanding that he would erect a building with a plastered office section etc. <br />This motion was seconded by Councilman Olesen and carried by the vote of all present. <br />Councilman Madsen then recommended Mr. Johnson to the Council stating that he had <br />known him for a good number of years and his activities in behalf of Livermore, and <br />he stated further that he felt that his entrance into the business life of Pleasanton <br />would be of considerable consequence. <br />Councilman Madsen then took up the <br />salary advising that the matter had been <br />definite action taken. He explained that <br />delayed further. The matter as presented <br />Council. <br />There being no further business t <br />Approved: <br />ayor <br />matter of the increase of the Clerk's <br />under discussion for sometime but no <br />he felt that the matter should not be <br />again was not acted upon before the <br />eeting aJh"oy(rne:d at 8:30 o'clock. <br />Cler <br />Pleasanton, California, August 13, 1934. <br />a <br />The Town Council of the 'Town of Pleasanton met at 8:30 on the above written date <br />with Mayor Thomas Orloff presiding. Present at roll call were Councilman Madsen, <br />Amaral, Olesen and Orloff and absent Councilman Apperson. <br />The Clerk then explained that the Council should organize as a Board of <br />Equalization and remain in session for a half hour at which any complaints from <br />the property owners as regards assessments might be heard. Also that if this <br />session was not sufficient to hear all complaints from the property owners that <br />the-Council should continue its meetings at 8 o'clock during such succeeding <br />