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The Clerk presented a memorandum of agreement for accumulation df funi s in the <br />City of Plaasanton as prepared-by the Sate of California Department of Public Works <br />and submitted by the State Highway ,commission. The clerk advised that it would be <br />necessary for a member of the Council to be designated as the person to sign the <br />agreement, and would have to be attested tooby the Clerk and sealed with the official <br />seal of the municipality. The Clerk also advised that a resolution coverirg same <br />would have to : be passed and forwarded with the agreement,. On motion-of Councilmen <br />Madsen, seconded by'Councilman Amaral and with all the Councilmen prsent in Favor „ <br />of same, Resolution No. 1511, authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract was passed. <br />The Clerk presented a notification from the State Board of Equalization to <br />the effect that Jimmie George, located at the corner of Hain Street and Angela <br />had been granted a winery license for bottling purposes only. The Clerk asked that <br />no action be taken by the Council on this matter until some further details <br />in connection with same had been cleared up. Same was ordered. <br />.A contract from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company was also presented and <br />referred to Mr.Rodrigues for a check -up. Since the contract referred to lights <br />within the municipality, Councilman Amaral made a recommendation that when further <br />street lights were installed that arrangements be made to install another light <br />in the vicinity of the I.D.E.S. Hall. Councilman Madsen took up Councilman <br />Amaral's recommendation and asked that if anything of that nature was considered <br />that he thought that there were other dark spots within the municipality and <br />asked that they be looked into and in -particular he mentioned in the vicinity of <br />the Catholic Church. <br />The Clerk presented a contract from the Standard Oil Company with regards to <br />gasoline purchased by the municipality during the period July 10th to October 9th <br />inclusive. Some discussion with regards to the rate charged took place among <br />the Councilmen and it was generally felt that the contract was not of such <br />importance as to warrant being signed at this time. <br />The Clerk presented the Assessment Roll for the year 1934. Also he advised <br />that it would be necessary for the Council4omeet next Monday evening, August 13th <br />at 8 o'clock and to organizabs as a Board of Equalization and to sit as such <br />for the evenings required. <br />Councilman Madsen spoke with regards to the passing of Henry Reim rs and the <br />Clerk was instructed to have flowers sent from the Council and also to prepare <br />a set a resolutions to be submitted at the Council meeting next Monday evening <br />and to be signed by the Councilmen. <br />Resolution No. 1514 -- Authorizing the payment of the salaries of the municipal <br />officers for the month of July was read. on motion of Councilman Amaral, seconded <br />by Councilman Olesen and with all the Councilmen present in favor of same, <br />the resolution was adopted. <br />The Clerk presented the matter of the Shell Oil Company taking out a Consumers <br />License for the period July 1st to December 31, 1934 and paying $50.00. The Clerk <br />mentioned that the company was presently paying a $40.00 a year license and that <br />they were anxious to do business under a 100.00 license and to pay the §1000 <br />license beginning January 1, 1935, since other licenses in other cities that - carried <br />began at that time. The Clerk stated that the company's representative was willing <br />to put up X50.00 and appear before the meeting, but that he (the clerk) had advised <br />that he would present the matter for the company. There was some discussion among <br />the Councilmen with regards to making a special concession of'this kind since <br />all licenses were written on annual basises. However, in this particular instance <br />it was felt .that since the company was alreadying paying a license here and only <br />wished to make a change and were willing to pay the additional fee providing they <br />would be allowed to operate under a spacial six months grant, that same should be <br />allowed. Councilman Olesen made a motion to the effect that the Shell Oil Company <br />should be charged 050.00 for the six months which was seconded by Councilman <br />Amaral. When the roll was called on the motion, Councilman Madsen did not vote, <br />but Councilmen Amaral, Olesen and Orloff voted Tor it and accordingly same was <br />passed. <br />There being no further business the meeting adjourned at <br />meet in regular session Tuesday evening, August 40 at the us <br />Approved: <br />Mayor <br />0 :10 o'clock, to <br />1 hour. <br />A <br />103 <br />