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1092 <br />Town Marshal: - -- Showing that he had received water bills from the Clerk amount- <br />ing to 41112.45; that he collected , water bills amounting to $885.20 and tIm t he had <br />returned water bills amounting to 4227.25. He also collected licenses amounting <br />to $429.00 as follows: 14 licenses 0) $12.00 - -$168.00.; 5 licenses @ $16.00 -- $80.00; <br />2 licenses f,"') $20.00 -- $40.00; 1 licenses @ $25.00 -- $25.00; 1 license @ $100.00 -- $100.00 <br />and(- 1933 -34 license � $16.00 -- $16.00. He also collected milk inspection fees amounting <br />to $32.65, and taxes amounting to $78.76. <br />Treasurer : -- Showing that the Water Deposit Fund had $42.50 per last report, and <br />that §10.00 had been received during the month, making a total of $52.50, less <br />$7.50 paid out, leaving $45.00 in the Special dater Deposit Fund. Also showing <br />that he had cash on hand at last report of $6744.89 and since' then colt otions had <br />amounted to $1650.83 and that payment of town warrants had amounted to 12015.23 <br />leaving a cash balana e in the hard s of the Treasurer of $6380.49. <br />City Judge: -- Showing that $100.00 had been collected in fines during the month of <br />July, 1934. <br />Health Officer: -- Showing activities during the months of June, and July. <br />Fire Chief: -- Report of activities of the Department for the month of July, 1934. <br />Milk Inspector; -- Showing Laboratory report of Milk Samples for July, 1934. <br />Building Insp ec tor:--Showing tIn t two electrical permits had been granted during <br />the month of July, 1934. <br />The reports were referred to the finance committee for examination and report. <br />The fallowing communications were received: <br />July 2nd -- League of California Municipalities requestifig that no action be taken <br />with regards to circulating a petition in the municipality from the <br />League of Southern California I'1unicipalit#X <br />August 6th -- District Attorney, Earl Warren.. thanking the municipal authorities <br />and the people of Pleasanton for the splendid cooperation which they <br />gave to the county authorities during the recent general strike. <br />An application from the Pleasanton Post No. 237, American Legion and signed <br />by Clay Elworthy, requesting a dance permit for.Saturday evening, August 25th <br />to take place at the Veterans' Memorial- Building was read. There being no ouj.ection <br />to the permit being granted same-was ordered. <br />A recess follcued during which the finance committee examined Claims No. 44 to <br />95 inclusive and amounting to $951.06, as ,hell as the officers' monthly.r eper ts. <br />Following the recess after which the meeting had been called to order again, <br />Councilman Madsen of the finance committee, reported that the committee had <br />approved Claims No. 44 to 95 inclusive and amounting to $951.06. On his motion <br />seconded by Councilman Amaral, and with all the Councilmen present voting in <br />favor of same, the claims were ordered paid. Councilman Madsen then reported <br />that the finance committee had approved the officers' monthly reportslana he <br />made a motion that they be placed on file. There being no' objections they were <br />ordered filed. <br />Action on the communications received were then taken as follors.s: <br />July grid -- League of California, Municipali ties. - Filed. <br />August 6th -- District Attorney, Earl Warren. - Filed. <br />Councilman Amaral of the Laws and Judiciary committee advised that during the <br />recent general strike period that an extra nightwatchman had been employed, He <br />mentioned that Mr. Henry Vervais had been engaged and was paid $4.25 per night. <br />Councilman Olesen had nothing to report. <br />Councilman Madsen discussed a main line meter and reported that the present <br />one was worthless as regards accuracy. He recommended that should the Council <br />decided to make a change that a new one of improved type should be secured. There <br />was some question with regards to the expense of a new main line meter and since <br />it was generally felt that the present one could be used for another few months <br />that action on the purchasing of a new meter be delayed. ([ ouncilman Madsen also <br />spoke with regards to work going on at the S *ewer Farm under the direction of Mr. <br />Britten. Mr. Britten was present in the audience and was asked for a report. <br />He stated that the incubator as installed had been working for about five days <br />and so far the results had been very satisfying. He also 'discussed the. use's of <br />a gas and electric heater -at the Sewer Farm, mentioning that the.gas heater 'had <br />not been satisfactory, whereas, the electric heater would work out better_. "` He <br />mentioned that probably $30.00 had been expended on the gas heater. He asked <br />for .permission to try out an electric heater during the month of August and then <br />to report on its results and expense. His request was granted. <br />