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OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
City of Pleasanton
DEC 1923 TO MAY 1954
OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
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to8G <br />recommendations of Mr. Britten considered. <br />Mr. Silver appeared before the Council with regards to a lot belonging to.Mrs. <br />Caroline Lewis at the rear of his property on S:t. Marys Street and which should be <br />taken care of. He advised that the lot had been partially burnt but that its <br />condition at the present time warranted the action of the Council in order that it, <br />might be put in the shape that it should be,otherwise.a fire hazard would be <br />created. Mr. Rodrigues was questioned regarding the matter and he advised of vh at <br />he had done in connection with same. h1r. Rodrigues took the occasion to also <br />advise the Council as to his work during recent weeks as regards vacant lots and <br />the notifying of property owners as to what was ,expected of them. <br />Councilman Madsen of the Public Utilities Committee then gave a report on his <br />trip to Yosemite Valley where on May 25th and 26th he attended the annual. Spring <br />Conference of the California Sewage Works Association. He told of the meetings <br />held by the conference, of various papers read on sanitary conditions and of various <br />phases of work both regarding sewer and the disposition of garbage as carried on by <br />other communiths. He told of special work as regards disposal of garbage which was <br />interesting to him in view of the fact that Pleasanton had a garbage problem of its <br />own. Mr. Madsen also advised the Council that there was interest on the tart of some <br />of the Association members to visit the Pleasanton Sewer Farm if the work now being <br />carried on by Mr. Britten was allowed to progress and accordingly next year the <br />convention might be held close to Pleasanton in order to allow the members of the <br />Association to visit here. <br />Councilman Amaral of the Laws and Judiciary Committee reported on a visit which <br />he and Chief of Police Delucchi had.made to the poolroom of'kr. Ulia no and of Mr. <br />Uliano's action with regards to placing the pool tables out of use in order that <br />his license might be cancelled. <br />Councilman Olesen of the Street and Building Committee had nothing to report. <br />Councilman Madsen questioned the Council with regards to license issued to Frank <br />Lewis to conduct a restaurant. 'He pointed out that all places of business were beer <br />was being sold on sale to patrons, they were required to be equipped as restaurants <br />and prepared to serve meals. ae understood, he said, that Mr. Lewis had made no <br />effort to comply with this and accordingly he anticipated that those in the restaurant <br />business might raise some objection to the Council issuing licenses and then not <br />following up with the necessary proceedruk as to whether or not those securing the <br />licenses were operating as they should. �ffhere was considerable-discussion amoTig the <br />councilmembers, but action was deferred in view of the fact that Mr. Lewis was away <br />from the community and was likely to be for sometime. Mr. Madsen then stated that <br />it was his intention of the matter that a method of proceedure be established now for <br />the future. <br />The Clerk then brought up the notification of the State Board of Equalization <br />of License No. A -13995 "On Sale" Beer and Wine License issued Manuel G. Oliveria <br />and License No. B -13325 "Off Sale" beer and Wine License issued Manuel G. Oliveria. <br />The Council had no objections to the first being issued and the Clerk was instructed <br />to advise the State Board of Equalization to that effect. As regards the second <br />license, the Clerk quered the Council with regards to selling at lcKinley Park and <br />Mayor Orloff advised that he was against beer being sold there under license and <br />by a local business firm. He was willing that organizations using the park and <br />where same were non - profit groups that the privilege be extended them when they <br />were the duly authorized parties to use the place. Otherwise no private individual <br />might secure a license to dispose of beer etc. on the grounds. The question came <br />up with regards to a stand operating on property privately owned and the Council <br />were of the opion that same should be granted if a license was requested. <br />The following resolutions were then presented: <br />Resolution No. 1510 -- Authorizing the payment of the salaries of the municipal officers' <br />for the Month of May and amounting to $745.00. <br />1511 -- Authorizing the cancellation of the following licenses: <br />License No. 111 - -First National Bank 625.00 <br />as national banks are not taxable <br />by local-authorities on safe deposit <br />equipment, license dated January 1, 1934. <br />" No. 159 -- Angelo Uliano X16.00 <br />as he has not been operating as a pool- <br />room and hasttbhhover.ed" his tables and set <br />same uutlof1932.way, license dated <br />No'. 187 - -Dr. Elbert E. Lundegaard $12.00 <br />as he has left the community, license <br />dated April 1, 1934. <br />" " No. 195 - -Gus D. Powlos $12.00 <br />as he has left the community, license <br />dated April 1, 1934. <br />" It No. 211 -- Golden Gate Salami Co. $16.00 <br />as this company has merged with <br />California Salami Co. the latter having <br />a licnese - license dated April 1, 1934. <br />No. 213- ,- Buffum & Co. <br />s this company has discontinued <br />16.00 <br />aeliveries here as of April 1, 1934. <br />License dated April 1. 1934. <br />
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