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OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
City of Pleasanton
DEC 1923 TO MAY 1954
OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
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1055 <br />June 4th - -Frank Rhhling-- presenting his <br />operating a soft drink parlor <br />saloon on Neal Street. <br />application for the privilege of <br />and lunch room in the former reception <br />June 4th -- Ashton Britten - -with reference to continuing his work at the sewer <br />farm and requesting the Council to consider necessary. <br />A recess followed during thich the finance committee examined Claims No. <br />498 to 545 inclusive and amounting to $871.59, as well as the officers' monthly <br />reports. <br />Following the recess, after the meeting had been called to order again, <br />Councilman Madsen, of the finance committee, reported that the committee had <br />approved'Claims No. 498 to 545 inclusive and amounting to :;871.59. On his <br />motion seconded by Councilman Olesen, and with all the councilmen present <br />voting in favor of same, were ordered paid. Councilman Madsen <br />then reported that the finance committee had approved the officers' monthly <br />reports and he made a motion that they be placed on file. There being no <br />ojbections to same, they were ordered filed. <br />Action on the communications received were then taken as follows: <br />May 18th -- Leonard Siriclair-;- Councilman Madsen recommended that the appoint- <br />ment of Mr. Leonard Sinclair be made a temporary one, and he stated <br />his reasons for same. There were no objections-to the appointment <br />and it was ordered. <br />May 21st - -Pred Sanderson - -The resignation of Mr. Sanderson was accepted on <br />motion of Councilman Amaral, seconded by Councilman Madsen and <br />with all Councilmen in favor of same. The-applications of William <br />Dols tra and Joseph A. Leitch for the position were then given <br />consideration. In view of the fact that Mr. Leitch had previously <br />applied for the position his application was given special consider- <br />ation. Councilman Amaral- especially recommended Mr. Leitch and <br />later on his motion, seconded by Counciiman•Madsen, Mr. Leitch <br />was appointed Nightwatchman. Mr. Amaral lead some discussion as <br />regards the title "nightwatchman "., He rather expressed himself <br />as being in favor of the title "Night Officer', feeling that that <br />term was better suited than{ the one now in use. `fie Council talk <br />the matter over but no action was taken with regards to changing <br />the title. <br />May 23rd -- Householder & Schnyder- -The Clerk was instructed to write this firm <br />with regards to a figure on the work. Also the Clerk asked that the <br />work be deferred to either,July or August in order that the annual <br />report of the Clerk and other work toutakeRcare of at this season <br />of the year might be completed before the audit was started. e <br />Council instructed the Clerk to secure the estimates on the work <br />from various firms and present same at the July meeting. <br />May 28th- -1915 Improvement Bond Act Commie -- Filed. <br />May 31st -- Division of Highways -- Considerable discussion was given to <br />communication on account of the information contained t1m rein and <br />since rho figures had been presented by the Division at the previous <br />meeting, Mr. Nelson,of the Division of Highways.was instructed to <br />go over the work and to prepare an estimate to be considered by the <br />Council and when this estimate was not included in the communication <br />the Clerk was instructed to communicate with the Division and ascertain <br />how far on St. Marys Street the work might be carried on with the funds <br />available and also if definite understanding could be had with regards <br />to the future so in case the money was allowed to accumulate that the <br />municipality might have same available when 'it was desired. <br />June 1st -- Northern California Buginess Council. Filed <br />June 4th - -Frank Rohling- -The Council discussed the situation very thoroughly follow- <br />ing a request from some of ,the municipal officers that the license be <br />refused feeling that it was for the "best interests" of theapplicant <br />that he be denied a license. The reasonsfor so doing were advanced. <br />After the matter had been fully:ireviewed on motion.of Councilman Amaral <br />seconded by Councilman Madsen and with all the Councilmen present voting <br />in favor of same, it was voted to refuse the application.on the grounds <br />that it was for the best interests of the applicant to do so. The Chief - <br />of- Police was instructed to visit .Mr. Rohling and to advise him of the <br />Council's action. <br />June 4th -- Ashton Britten - -ldr. Britten was present at-the meeting and accordingly <br />in giving his communication attention Uayor Orloff asked Mr. Baitten <br />for .a few remarks. Mr. Britten explained the improvement at the Sewer <br />Farm wh6n 'the incubator was operating and t'o prove this he pointed out <br />that *hen the incubator was in operation 88.2 pure water was coming out <br />at the sewer farm as compared with 64.7 when the incubator was not in <br />operation. He also explained that the bacteria count some months ago <br />when the incubator was operating was less than 100,000, whereas on June <br />4th it was 8,700,000. He further reported that while no serious bad <br />affects would be. -soon noticed, nevertheless in warm weather there would <br />be a change and probably some disturbance would arise.. Councilman Madsen <br />then discussed sewer farm conditions and told what Mr. Britten had done <br />over a period of two years o remedy matters and that the Council should <br />be willing to support him urther with his experiments. It was generally <br />felt that the matter shoul be laid over until I,,ir. Apperson would return <br />to Pleasanton and accordingly it was decided that the Council should <br />meet Mr. Britten at the Sewer Farm on Sunday morning, June 17th at 8 <br />o'clock at which time conditions there would be looked into and the <br />
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