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Water Department: -- Showing that water had been turned on at 5 places and off at <br />4. Put in new tap for J. C. IvMendonca on Main St., and Uion Ice.Co. on Neal Street. <br />Repaired 2 Hydrants, and 9 meters. Cleaned up Sewer Farm and. repaired all tables <br />at McKinley Park and cleaned up. Report showed that.there were 408 taps in Town <br />and 33 outside of town. That there were-473 services in town (On 441, Off 32) <br />and 43 services outside of Town (On 41, Off 21 total number of services 516. The <br />report showed that the-expenses of the department amounted to $397.74, and the <br />income $866.00, and the total over and above expenses.$468.26. The report showed <br />that the total hours pumping at Pump No. 1, was 188 hours, and at Pump No. 2, <br />10 hours. Total gallons water pumped at Pump loo. 1, was 5,540,000 gallons and <br />300,000 gallons pumped from ?ump No. 2. <br />`-'bVM__• Jerk : -- Showing that he had delivered to the Marshal 2 licenses for Collection <br />ands "amounting to $28.00 and 444 water bills amounting to $1045.65. Report showed that <br />the Treasurer had on hand at the time of last report $7485.90 and since then the <br />following I collections have been made: Licenses from Marshal $541.00; Taxes from <br />Marshal X10.74; water from marshal, $857.65; Milk Inspection Fees from Marshal, <br />030.25• Fees from Recorder's Court 030.00; From Town Clerk: Personal Property <br />Taxes 116,.124, making a total of $8971:78, less amount of warrants issued May 7, <br />19349 2402.45, leaving'a cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer of $6569.33. <br />This was divided as follows: General Fund $5287.66; Water Bond Fund $899.77; <br />Town�Hall Bond Fund 51V; Water Deposit Fund $42.50; 1929 Municipal Improvement <br />Bond Fund 0271.42; Municipal Improvement Bond Fund $109.97. <br />Superintendent of Streets: -- Showing that work on streets had amounted to $118.87 <br />during the month of May, 1934. <br />Town Marshal: -- Showing that he had received water bills from the Clerk amount irg to <br />{1045.65; that he collected water bills amounting to $857.65 and that he had returned <br />water bills amounting to 0188.00. He also collected licenses amounting to $541.,00 <br />as follows: 29 Licenses G $12.00 -- $348.00; 3 licenses @ $16:00 -- $48.00; 3 licenses <br />$20.00 --$60.00; 1 license Q $35.00 -- 435.00; 1 licensee 50.00 - -50 .00. Also <br />Milk Inspection Fees amounting to $30.25 and Taxes amounting to X10.74. <br />Treasurer : -- Showing that the Water Deposit Fund had $42.50 per last report, and <br />that $2.50 had been received during the month, making a total of $45.00, less <br />$2.50 paid out, leaving $42.50 in the Spe,cial'Water Deposit Fund. Also showing <br />that he had cash on hand at of $7485.90.and since then collections <br />had amounted to $1485.88, and that payment of town warrants had amounted to <br />2402.45, leaving a cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer of $6569.33. <br />City Judge: -- Showing that 430.00 had been• colle cted in fines during the month of <br />May; 1934. <br />Fire Chief: -- Report of the activities of -the Department for the month of MW , 1934. <br />Health Officer: -- Report showed that the number of reportable diseases during the <br />month of May were 8. <br />Milk Inspector: -- Report of Laboratory Analyses of Milk Sernples for May, 1984. <br />Building Inspector.:-- Showing that five applications for. a Building Permit were <br />granted during the month of May, 1934. <br />The reports were referred to the finance committee for examination and report. <br />The following communications were then read by the Clerk: <br />May 18th -- Leonard Sinclair, presenting application for position of Town Ergineer. <br />May 21 - -Fred Sanderson, presenting his resignation as nightwatchman to take affect <br />May 26th. <br />May 23rd -- Householder & Sehnyder -- inquirying about the annual audit of the books <br />of the municipality. <br />May 28th- -1915 Improvement Bond Act Committee -- soliciting funds with which to carry <br />on its work', <br />Dlay 3'lst -- Division of Highways -- advising thatthe amount of money allocated the-town <br />of Pleasanton would be insufficient to improve St. Marys Street as wmed <br />required by the City Council. , <br />June 1st -- Northern California Business Council -- advising that "the liquor control <br />measure sent to the members of the City Council by the City Attorney <br />of Los - Angeles was withdrawn by the Board of Supervisorsof San <br />Francisco County, its original sponsors, because after mature study <br />the Board reached the conclusion that the project amended was not <br />in the best interests of the people of the state: <br />June 2nd -- William Dolstra -- presenting his -application for the position-of <br />Nightwatchman. <br />June 4th -- Joseph A. Letieh -- presenting his application for the position of <br />Nightwatchman. <br />