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Pleasanton, California, April 16, 1954. <br />The Constitutional Oath of Office to Councilmen elect John J. Amaral and Ole <br />Olesen was administered by Clerk, Ernest W. Sohween. The newly elected officers. <br />then took their seats and the clerk announced that the first order of busirn ss was <br />the. election of a Mayor. Councilman elect, John J. Amaml, then presented Thomas <br />Orloff for Ilayor and his motion was seconded by Councilman Olesen. There being <br />no further nominations Councilman Orloff was declared Mayor. <br />The Clerk then presented Mayor Orloff who had accepted the nomination. The <br />new mayor assured the council as well as the citizens present that he intended to <br />enntinue his work � r the best interest of the community and that at all times he <br />would welcome suggestions which would tend to improve the community. He especially <br />invited the cooperation of the councilmen to the end that his term might be a <br />success. The Mayor then called upon Ivor. Pickard the retiring mayor who made a <br />few remarks and on Mr. Garatti the retiring Councilman who also made a few remarks. <br />Councilman Madsen was called upon by the Mayor to speak with regards. to . co ndi t ions <br />at the sewer farm and to report on what had taken place during recent months. <br />Mr. Garatti asked for the floor in order to present the matter of the municipality <br />owning its own electrical plant and urging that an investigation be madeirto the <br />matter. Councilman Idadsen advised ltiLr. Garatti .that he had the plan followed at <br />Roseville and that data would soon be available as regards the distributing plant <br />there. Mr. I'- Iadsen also strongly advised the municipality controlling and distributing <br />its own electrical energy. IViayor Orloff was in accord with the proposition and <br />strongly recommended same. Attorney Nilson advised with regards to the franchise, <br />the proceedure necessary according to the state constitution and explaining <br />municipal rights-. <br />The Mayor proceeded to introduce the two new councilmen. Mr. ulesen eKpresse d <br />himself as appreciating the voters electing hiin and assured the Council that while <br />.he was a poor speaker he could put up a good argument. Mr. Amaral assured the <br />Idayor that he was pleased being elected to the city council and that at all times <br />he would do his best to serve the municipality faithfully. <br />The audience numbered more than thirty citizens and accordingly the mayor <br />proceeded to call upon the following for remarks: <br />Charles H. Schween, for many years Mayor of Pleasanton <br />T. H. Silver, Treasurer <br />Crawford Letham, former councilman and city clerk <br />Lee Wells, Deputy County Assessor <br />Sam Glassey, President Junior Chamber of Commerce <br />Andrew. Jorgensen, President,Plea.santon Fire Department <br />Alonzo D. Irwin <br />Morris Elsnab <br />Andrew Greves <br />Sam Keating <br />The last speaker called 'by the mayor-was City Attorney Walter T. Nil-son. At the <br />conclusion of Mr. Nilson remarks Mayor Orloff expressed his satisfacation to <br />Clerk Sehween1 for his work in connection with the affairs of the old co unci 1 <br />and what he had done during his two years as regards the munici� lity. He. continued <br />his remarks by calling on the clerk for further remarks. The clerk had little other <br />than to say that there was considerable before the council which would give it a <br />busy program in future months. P. F. D. IL4adsen asked for the privilege of .the <br />floor and made some remarks as regards early days in Pleasanton. <br />The mayor then appointed Councilmen Olesen temporary chairman of the street <br />and building committee and John J."Amaral, temporary chairman of the ordinance and <br />judiciary committee. He also announced that Councilman Madsen and Councilman <br />Apperson would remain as chairman of their respective committee. <br />There being no further business the meeting adjour <br />meet in regular session, Monday evening, blay th at the u <br />by& ", <br />Approved: <br />011, lv--- <br />- or <br />at 9 ;30 o'clock to <br />hour: <br />1011 <br />