<br />The Precedent of the Board declared a recess to allow the finance eomittee time to examine
<br />the claims and Officers monthly reports
<br />On again coming to order Trustee Pickard chairman of the finance committee ,r ©poD.teddh.yimgustee
<br />owunt,A4m4A-e, 91 ;7
<br />exaTlE4d and approved claims numbered from to 171 and moved that warrants. be
<br />Bran on the treasurer to pay the respective claimants. The motion was seconded by Trustee
<br />Bairos and carried by the following vote:
<br />4vres: Trustees Pickard Garatti, Bairos, Bruce and Schween.
<br />es; None.
<br />-Absent None.
<br />The finance, committee further reported as having examined and approved officers'. monthly
<br />reports, and upon order of the president of the board they were placed on file.
<br />Town Payroll for the Month of February. 1924.
<br />Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the To n of Pleasanton that the Town Clerk
<br />be, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to draw warrants on the Town Treasurer in
<br />favor of the persons named below for the amount.respectively set after their names:
<br />C. Letham, Town Clerk 4 75.00
<br />E. L. Benedict, Ton Treasurer 10.00
<br />Frank C. Nevis, Marshal, suet, streets, etc 125.00
<br />A. Peters.en,nightwatchman and gardeher 110.00
<br />Wm. H. Graham, care'fire apparatus 10.00
<br />Hugh Sinclair, engineer andsanitary inspector 125.00
<br />Dr. J. Hal Cope,, health officer 10.00
<br />W. T. Davis, recorder 10.00
<br />Mary J Viada janitor town hall 15.00
<br />C. A. G ale, attorney /...7.w 25.00
<br />PickarWhes09$lledeV91st oBew op t e dn th i s e 3 rdldodving March, 1924, on motion of Trustee
<br />Ayes: Trustees Pickard, Aaratti, Bruce, Bairos and Schween.
<br />Noes; None
<br />Absent; None.
<br />State Insurance Compensation.
<br />Resolution No. 85,9
<br />C. Letham, Town Cl erk.
<br />Resolution No. 860
<br />Resolution No. 961
<br />$515.00
<br />Whereas, there is due to the Sate C‘=ensation Insurance Fund from the. -Town of Pleasanton
<br />an unpaid balance of 431.25, for insurance of 1923; also initial premium of $147.53, from
<br />March 24, 1924, to March 24, 1925, now therefore
<br />Be It Resolve tom;: Lc °r.. cs+ rr.my= of the Town of Pleasanton. that ,the clerk be
<br />and he is hereby authorized and instruced to draw a warrant on the Town Treasurer in favor
<br />of State Insurance Compensation Fund for the sum of $177.80 in payment of compensation
<br />insurance.
<br />The adoption of this resolution was moved by Trustees Garatti, seconded by Trustee Pickard
<br />and cu.rrir:d, by the following vote.
<br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatti, Bairos, Bruce and Schween.
<br />Noes; None.
<br />Absent; None.
<br />For Payment of Fire Dept. Supplies
<br />Be it Resolved by the Beard of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton, that the clerk be
<br />and he is hereby authorized and instructed to draw a warrant on the Town,Treasurer in favor of
<br />the American La France Company for the sum of 42'.50 in payment of supplies.
<br />The adoption of this resolution was moved by Trustee Bairos, seconded by Trustee Garatti,
<br />and carried by the following vote:
<br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatti, Bairos, Bruce and Schween.
<br />Noes; None
<br />Absent; None.
<br />Dance Permit Granted.
<br />An application from The Revelers' club, asking permission to hold a social dance in the
<br />I. D. E. S. Hall on the night of March 15th was received, and there being no objection the
<br />