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50, <br />fees, and be it further <br />Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton that the Clerk be <br />and he is hereby authorized and instructed to draw a warrant on the Town treasurer <br />in favor of Pleasanton Health Center for the sum of twenty -five dollars for the <br />purchase of toxin anti -toxin to be used as set forth above. <br />The adoption of the foregoing resolution was moved by Trustee Pickard,, seconded <br />by Trustee Bruce abd carried by the following vote: <br />Ayes; Trustees Pickard, Garatt, Bruce and Schween. <br />Noes; None. <br />Absent: Trustees Bairos. <br />There being no further business the board adjounred until the next regular <br />meeting, February 4, 1924. <br />President of the Board of Town <br />Trustees. <br />Town Clerk <br />Pleasanton, California, February 4, 1924. <br />The Board of Town Trustees was called to order at 7:30 p. m., with President <br />Schween in the Chair. The roll call of members showed the following present; <br />Trustees Pickard, 3aratti, Bairos, Bruce and Schween. Absent None. <br />On motion of Trustee Bairos, seconded by Trustee Garatti, the minutes of <br />the preceeding meetings were adopted without reading. <br />The following claims were presented and referred to the finance and supply <br />committee: <br />Claim No. 137 Pacific Gas Electric Company, electricity $129.99 <br />138 -W. T. Davis, Advertising 40.00 <br />139 -W. T. Davis, printing and supplies 19.00 <br />140 -W. T. Davis, services deputy marshal 5.00 <br />141 Pleasanton Agricultural Works, supplies 9. 75 <br />142 Cruikshank Kolln, labor and supplies 23.33 <br />143 Cruikshank Kolln, labor and supplies 6.10 <br />144 -Ole Olesen, supplies for jail...., 5.75 <br />145 Manuel de Ponte, labor BAG <br />146 -Al Vervais, special police 10.00 <br />147 -R. C. Wright, electric supplies 11:10 <br />148 Manuel Anselmo labor 3.00 <br />149- -Frank Viada, cleaning and sprinkling streets 76.50 <br />150 -F. C. Nevis, serving papers and traveling expenses 5.00 $346.52 <br />Communications <br />The clerk read a letter from the State Compensation Insurance Fund, demanding <br />payment of premium amounting to $58.07. <br />The clerk reported that in checking over the itemized bill he noted that <br />premium was demanded for forty firemen. The fire chief reported that b,it twenty <br />firemen were on the roll, subject to insurance. <br />The clerk was instructed to communicate with the State Coi,ipansation Insurance <br />Fund, and point out the discrepancy, asking for a corrected statement. <br />A communication was also received from Mrs. Robert Dana, on behalf of the <br />Pleasanton Township Health center, thanking the board for the donation of twenty -five <br />dollars recently made for the purchase of toxin anti -toxin serum. The letter was <br />ordered placed on file. <br />Report of Town Treasurer <br />To the Board of Trustees of the Town of Pleasanton. <br />Gentlemen: I mosr respectfully present the following report of Town <br />finances: <br />Cash on hand per my last report $9186.44 <br />, s 1 1:; r ec c d <br />