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EXHIBIT A <br /> PUD-87-25 <br /> <br />1. That the development shall substantially conform to the <br /> "Conceptual Landscaping/Siting and Fencing Plan".on file with <br /> the Planning Department, except as modified by these <br /> conditions. <br /> <br />2. That the "Development and Grading Plan" on file with the <br /> Planning Department shall be conceptual only, with th~ final <br /> site.layout, development plan and grading plan to reflect a <br /> development plan as depicted in the "Conceptual <br /> Landscaping/Siting Fencing Plan." <br /> <br /> 3. That, except as modified by the development plan, the uses <br /> and development standards of the R-1-10,000 District shall <br /> apply to this project. <br /> <br />4. That houses to be built on Lots 1 and 2 shall be located with <br /> no more than 50% of the 10 ft. setback along the driveway to <br /> be used for building walls; the remaining 50% of the side <br /> setback area (measured between front and rear setbacks) shall <br /> maintain a 20 ft. setback from the driveway. The area <br /> between the driveway and house itself shall remain free of <br /> fences except those 30" in height or lower. <br /> <br />5. That the house siting and architecture plans for all houses <br /> shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning <br /> Director. Homes on Lots i and 3 shall be oriented so that <br /> they minimize intrusion into the future rear yards of lots <br /> adjoining their western boundary. Homes on Lots 1 and 2 <br /> shall be designed to minimize the appearance of mass when <br /> viewed from Mohr Avenue and to heighten the appearance of <br /> separation between the structures on the two lots, these <br /> houses shall be designed to have a fully developed <br /> architectural elevation facing Mohr Avenue. <br /> <br />6. That no building shall require tree trimming/pruning unless <br /> said trimming/primary is first approved by the Director of <br /> Planning after receiving a recommendation from a <br /> city-approved tree expert that the tree will not be harmed. <br /> No tree other than those shown on the development plan for <br /> removal shall be removed for on-site development unless first <br /> approved by modification of the development plan. <br /> <br />7. That all project lots shall have Mohr Avenue addresses. <br /> <br /> <br />