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7. That the minimum grade for gutter tlowlines in <br />public streets be set at 0.5 unless otherwise <br />approved by the City Engineer. Grades less than <br />0.5% down to 0.3% shall require special approval, <br />submittal of as -built grade sheets, and controlled <br />flow testing. <br />8. That all existing wells, septic tanks or holding <br />tanks on the site be properly sealed, filled and <br />abandoned prior to the start of grading operations <br />unless Zone 7 retains specific wells for observation <br />wells, or special approval is obtained from the City <br />Engineer for temporary use of an existing well for <br />construction water. <br />9. That the haul route for all materials to and from <br />this development be approved by the City Engineer <br />prior to approval of the final map or the start of <br />any construction. <br />10. That the developer submit an erosion and sedimentation <br />control plan or procedure as part of the improvement <br />plans prior to the approval of the final map. <br />11. That the developer submit a dust control plan or <br />procedure as part of the improvement plans prior to <br />approval of the final map. <br />12. That storm drainage swales, gutters, inlets, outfalis <br />and channels not within the area of a dedicated public <br />street or public service easement be privately <br />maintained by the property owners or through an <br />association approved by the City. That the proposed <br />6 ft. PSE on Lots 13 and 14 be changed to a private <br />storm drain easement (SDE) and maintained by the <br />individual property owners. <br />13. That approval of the water supply and distri- <br />bution system be withheld pending final design <br />and until the developer has demonstrated to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer that the proposed <br />system meets both the immediate and long -range <br />requirements for supplying water in this area. <br />