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making initial reallocation requests, if such a reallocation <br />becomes possible through other developers' shifting units to <br />later years or by Counci!'s increasing a yearly allocation due to <br />resolution of constraints which limited a yearly allocation to <br />below the General Plan maximum. <br /> <br /> 5. For each project, the City Council may approve <br />only two separate developer requests for reallocation which would <br />shift units to a later year(s) than that initially approved. <br />Notwithstanding the filing of multiple final maps and/or changes <br />in ownership, for purposes of this section a "project" is the <br />entirety of a project for which the Council initially granted <br />growth management approval. An "approved reallocation request" <br />shall be a modification to the originally approved schedule <br />either as requested by the developer or as modified by the City <br />Council if the developer acquiesced in the modified reallocation. <br />There shall be no limit to the number of times the City Council <br />may approve requests for reallocation which would shift units to <br />an earlier year(s) than that approved. <br /> <br />~7.3~.0~0 Lo~er-income project. <br /> <br /> A. A lower-income project shall be a project having a <br />minimum of twenty-five percent of the total units reserved for <br />households qualifying for low-income housing assistance as <br />defined for the primary metropolitan statistical area, including <br />the county, by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br />Units must be reserved for lower-income households for a period <br />of at least 25 years. <br /> <br /> 1. HUD regulations for the qualifications of <br /> households as lower-income, the size of unit in relation to <br /> household size, and all other rules and regulations except for <br /> rent shall govern those units set aside for lower-income <br /> <br /> l! <br /> <br /> <br />