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Mr. Constanzo provided visuals of the alleyways, the commercial buildings, views going west on <br />Bemal Avenue and 680 north, and the proposed soundberm adjacent to the freeway. <br /> <br />Mr. Costanzo noted that Greenbriar is pursuing the possibility of installing a lower soundwail on <br />the berm at the sound end of the Western Area along 680 on the westerly side of the southbound <br />travel l~me in the CalTrans fight-of-way and asked for feedback from the Commission on this <br />proposal. Commissioner Arkin advised that he does not like the soundwall in that location. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding the height and materials of the proposed soundbeiYas, as well as the <br />conditions of approval that apply to the consU-action of the berms. Alternatives to screening <br />homes to provide noise attenuation in this area were also discussed. <br /> <br />Mr. Costanzo advised that the maintenance of the area between the berm and the freeway is still <br />an issue. Greenbriar proposes to hydroseed the berm and install tree landscaping with the <br />irrigation system connected to the five-acre park, but Greenbriar does not want to maintain this <br />area. Mr. Swift noted that the condition requires that the property owners in the Western Area <br />would maintain this area through a maintenance association until such time as the City uses that <br />area for some particular use (such as a golf course or park). It was noted that Greenbriar has <br />requested that rather than build the sonndberm in this location, that the City consider relocating <br />the berm adjacent to the loop road which will reduce the need for the height of the berm to 12 <br />feet. <br /> <br />Carol Meyer of Greenbriar Homes presented renderings and landscape plans of the apartments <br />and the 4,000-square-foot lots. <br /> <br />Larry Flack of Seines Outherie & Associates, noted the modifications to the Village Commons <br />that have created a compatible neighborhood, including a pool and tot lot. He noted that there is <br />no separate recreation building, but it includes a gym and a leasing office that will be located <br />near the pool. Mr. Flack also reviewed staff's recommendations on the plan and commented on <br />how each of these areas has been addressed. It was noted that a fountain will be included in the <br />center of the walkway, a breezeway will provide access from the pool area to the tot lot, and that <br />washers and dryers would be included in all units. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding the parking that is being provided for the apartment component. <br />Mr. Swift provided clarification as to how the parking ratio was determined. <br /> <br />Mr. Flack noted that an exterior color board has been prepared, but they would like to continue <br />to work with staffon the colors. He noted that carports will be constructed as "garports" which <br />will be enclosed with individual roll-up garage doors with openers, but entirely open inside. No <br />storage will be allowed in the"garports." <br /> <br />Mr. Costanzo noted that Gxeenbriar Homes will be the builder and developer of the apartment <br />component, and will manage the complex. <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 9, 2000 Page 11 <br /> <br /> <br />