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uncertain about the fee waiver. He noted that he still has concerns regarding the first finding that <br />the project is consistent with the General Plan as it relates to the extension of Rose Avenue. <br /> <br />Commissioner Maas commented that she thinks this a great project. She noted that she likes the <br />design of the houses with the modifications to Plan 6 and the affordable component of the <br />project. She noted that she does not have a problem waiving the fees. She agreed that the <br />applicant has complied with all guidelines that have been set forth. <br /> <br />Chairperson Roberts stated that she is pleased with many of the elements of the project and that <br />the applicant brought back the type of project they were asked to develop. She noted that the <br />affordable housing aspect was accomplished, and the applicant followed the process with staff <br />and the Housing Commission very well. She noted that with regard to consistency with the <br />General Plan, some discrepancy can always be found, and while a major goal is serious, a <br />reeonm~nda6on is not quite as serious. She referenced the Circulation Element, Goal 2, noting <br />that all of the traffic reports for this project indicate that the project maintains acceptable levels <br />of service. She noted that this is a pedestrian-oriented development because of its proximity to <br />the Downtown, the ACE train station, and bus transportation, and this makes it an excellent <br />project for affordable housing. She noted that she likes the way the lot sizes blend with the <br />existing large lots. She feels that the plan preserves the Arroyo as much as possible, but she <br />would support increasing the setback along the Arroyo. Chairperson Roberts stated that the <br />noise issues were handled as well as possible, and these homes will have a deed restriction <br />concerning the Fairground activities. She advised that that she likes the design of the homes and <br />the project meets the community character element in that it blends with the smaller homes on <br />Fair Street. She noted that she supports the Housing Commission's recommendation to waive <br />the affordable housing fees. She indicated that she felt that setting the maintenance rate of the <br />affordable units at 50 percent of the market-rate amount was acceptable. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Chairperson Roberts to amend Commissioner Maas' motion to add a <br />modifieatiun to the conditions of approvai to reduce the width of the road across from lots 4, 5, <br />12, and 13 that abut the pathway to at least 24 feet and, if possible, lower than that, and to <br />investigate and make any other modification (including the reduction of the width of the path to <br />eight feet) that can be done to increase the setback from the Arroyo while maintain'mg the <br />consistency with the PUD. Commissioner Maas seconded the motion. <br /> <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br /> <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br />ABSTAIN: <br /> <br />Commissioners Arkin, Maas, Sullivan and Chairperson RobeRs <br />None <br />Commissioner Kameny <br />None <br /> <br />The amendment to the motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 22, 2000 Page 6 <br /> <br /> <br />