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T~e o£ ProDeny /l~Dlicatlon <br /> West Plensanton OverlaF District <br />l. To the extent that these DroDertles reanire subsequent <br />F. xisHn~ lots of record anDroved ~rlor to the effective discretionary CIty anDrovaL the ~rolect shOll meet the <br />date of t~lootlon of the West Picasanton Overlay s~irlt of the district's re~uintlons (as established In <br />District in 2000. Chanter 18. 781 in the contoct of allowine development <br /> In accordance with the approved underlying ~oning <br />Prol~ertks In ~lastned unit develot~ments (PUDs) with reeuintions. <br />dev~omMn~ Dlans a~roved t~rior to the effectlve date <br />of edot~on o£ tke West PItasanton OverinF District in <br /> <br />~. These ~rotw. rtles s tall cotanlv with the district's <br />Proiw~Ms ot~ wkick all structures. Including but not re~ttinthms (as es~ ~bl~hed in Chapter 18. 78) for the <br />Iknited M £encin~ wnd reteinin~ walls, are not visible £ollowine: <br /> <br />·om Fo~thlllRend. D~blin Canyon Road, · Setback from Fo, ~thlll Road. Dublin Canvon Road, <br />Mtwet~-~O. end twe~s East o£ Foothtll Rotul and a!l and llte lntersta~ e-$80 <br />We~ an~ skmbs used £or screenin~ shall be natlv~ (S~ion 18.78.& ~O.C) <br />Note: rids tloes not aanlv to ,~_i_e~in~ lots of record, Main structure I~ dldine materials <br />mtwov~ ~rlor to the effective date of edention of thc (Section 18.78.& ~O.F) <br />~'est Plmsmton Overlay District (in vent 2000) and . Fire safety <br />does nol at~l~ to t~roms~ics In PI/Ds with dodopment (Regulations pertaining to high fire b~?ard areas in <br />firms a~ro~l t~or to the effective date o[ edop#on Sections 18.78.060.F and 18.78.060.M) <br />· fthe West PleaMnton Overlay D~trict (in Fear 2000). . <br /> (Sections 18.78.~60.L and 18.78.060.M) <br /> , ~lrrovo. creek, and stream ~reservetlon <br /> (Section 18.78.060.N) <br /> , Photo sirnulatlo~ and stor~ poles <br /> (Section 18.78.0~0 and 18.78.080) <br /> , Geot~.hnical <br /> (Section 18.78.0~0) <br /> end shall meet the s~irit of the renminder of the <br /> ~istrict's retmintio~ ~ (as established in Chanter 18. 78~. <br />~ !These ~ro~ertics s~ ~all corot, Iv wtt~ the district's <br />411 other vranertics, re~ulations (as est, ~blished in Chanter 18. 711). <br /> <br /> D. Tke regulations contained in this ckaDter supersede all regulations of the <br />West Footklll R~ad Corridor OverlaF District (Ordinance No. 1468). <br /> <br /> Page 3 <br />West Plcasanton Overlay Standards <br /> <br /> <br />